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Washington county (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): article 17
Mount, Liberty, Goodson and Princeton. On motion of Mr. Claiborne, it was Resolved, That the Clerk be instructed to procure for the use of the members of the Senate, 250 copies of the Report of the Board of Commissioners for the Purchase of Arms, &c.," appointed under act of last Assembly." On motion of Mr. Carraway, the Senate adjourned. House of Delegates. Tuesday, Jan, 29th, 1861. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county. Prayer by Rev. M. D. Hoge, of the Second Presbyterian Church. A communication was received from the Senate, announcing the passage of sundry House and Senate bills by that body; also the adoption of a resolution for the appointment of a joint committee to provide a hall for the accommodation of the State Convention. The House agreed to the latter, and the Speaker appointed the following committee. viz: Messrs. Saunders, Montague and Hunter. Bills Reported.--The follow
Tazewell (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 17
rts of Committees.--The following bills were reported: A bill to transfer a part of Price's Mountain and Cumberland Gap Road to the Mountain Lake and Salt Sulphur Springs Turnpike Company; a bill to incorporate the Lynchburg Arms Manufacturing Company; a bill to protect the interest of this Commonwealth and others in railroad and steamboat companies in this State, or the two lines between Baltimore and Weldon; a bill to authorize an issue of arms to Titus V. Williams, of the county of Tazewell, for the use of an academy; a bill refunding to George Hairston, Sr., a certain sum of money improperly paid by him into the Treasury; a bill to amend the charter of the Merchants' Bank of Virginia; and a bill authorizing the Merchants' Bank of Virginia to establish branches at Rocky Mount, Liberty, Goodson and Princeton. On motion of Mr. Claiborne, it was Resolved, That the Clerk be instructed to procure for the use of the members of the Senate, 250 copies of the Report of the
Hanover County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 17
coupon bonds be converted into registered stock, and prohibiting coupon bonds from being renewed in the future as such security; for the relief of the securities of Robt. S. Coleman, late Sheriff of Carroll county; refunding to Rufus Pulner, late Sheriff of the county of Patrick, a sum of money paid on an erroneous assessment of land; amending and re-enacting the 8th, 9th and 10th sections of chapter 45 of the Code; and releasing the Commonwealth's title to 556 1-4 acres of fund in the county of Hanover to John H. Taliaferro. Adverse Report.--The Committee on Finance reported adversely to the petition of Richard Cox and David Griffith, to be refunded a sum of money alleged to have been erroneously assessed against them. Agreed To.--The House agreed to Senate amendments to House bill "to prevent trespasses, depredations, &c., along the borders of the Potomac and other tide waters in the counties of Fairfax, Stafford and King George." Bills Referred.--The following Senate
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 17
sequently withdrawn. The bill then came up on its passage, when the ayes and noes were demanded — ayes 30, noes 2. Joint Resolutions of Tennessee and Pennsylvania.--A communication was received from Gov. Lefcher, transmitting the joint resolutions of the Legislatures of Tennessee and Pennsylvania. The resolutions of TenPennsylvania. The resolutions of Tennessee recommend certain amendments to the Constitution of the United States, for the protection of slave property in the slave States and Territories south of 36,30. The resolutions of Pennsylvania relate to the maintenance of the Union and the Constitution, and pledges the faith and power of the State to the enforcement of the Pennsylvania relate to the maintenance of the Union and the Constitution, and pledges the faith and power of the State to the enforcement of the laws. On motion of Mr. Taliaferro, the communication and accompanying documents were laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Reports of Committees.--The following bills were reported: A bill to transfer a part of Price's Mountain and Cumberland Gap Road to the Mountain Lake and Salt Sulphur Springs Turnpike Co
Weldon, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 17
nd accompanying documents were laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Reports of Committees.--The following bills were reported: A bill to transfer a part of Price's Mountain and Cumberland Gap Road to the Mountain Lake and Salt Sulphur Springs Turnpike Company; a bill to incorporate the Lynchburg Arms Manufacturing Company; a bill to protect the interest of this Commonwealth and others in railroad and steamboat companies in this State, or the two lines between Baltimore and Weldon; a bill to authorize an issue of arms to Titus V. Williams, of the county of Tazewell, for the use of an academy; a bill refunding to George Hairston, Sr., a certain sum of money improperly paid by him into the Treasury; a bill to amend the charter of the Merchants' Bank of Virginia; and a bill authorizing the Merchants' Bank of Virginia to establish branches at Rocky Mount, Liberty, Goodson and Princeton. On motion of Mr. Claiborne, it was Resolved, That the Clerk be instructed
Buckingham county (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 17
the Banks of Phillippi and Commonwealth. Mechanicsville Turnpike Company.--Mr. Chapman, from the Committee of Roads and Internal Navigation, to whom was referred Senate bill amending and re-enacting the 2nd section of the charter of the Mechanicsville Turnpike Company, passed February 21st, 1817, reported the same without amendment. Bills Passed.--Senate bills entitled "an act to incorporate the Merchants' Savings Bank of Richmond," and "for the relief of John N. G. Smith, of Buckingham county," were read the third time and passed. The engrossed House bill to change the Eastern terminus of the Sclavins Cabin and Summersville Turnpike, was read a third time and passed. Mr. Lockridge was requested to inform the Senate. State Defence.--The House was informed by Mr. Thompson of the agreement by the Senate to House amendments to the bill appropriating one million of dollars for State defence. Winchester and Potomac Railroad.--The engrossed bill amending the charter of
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 17
ee of five. Subsequently withdrawn. The bill then came up on its passage, when the ayes and noes were demanded — ayes 30, noes 2. Joint Resolutions of Tennessee and Pennsylvania.--A communication was received from Gov. Lefcher, transmitting the joint resolutions of the Legislatures of Tennessee and Pennsylvania. The resTennessee and Pennsylvania. The resolutions of Tennessee recommend certain amendments to the Constitution of the United States, for the protection of slave property in the slave States and Territories south of 36,30. The resolutions of Pennsylvania relate to the maintenance of the Union and the Constitution, and pledges the faith and power of the State to the enforTennessee recommend certain amendments to the Constitution of the United States, for the protection of slave property in the slave States and Territories south of 36,30. The resolutions of Pennsylvania relate to the maintenance of the Union and the Constitution, and pledges the faith and power of the State to the enforcement of the laws. On motion of Mr. Taliaferro, the communication and accompanying documents were laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Reports of Committees.--The following bills were reported: A bill to transfer a part of Price's Mountain and Cumberland Gap Road to the Mountain Lake and Salt Sulphur Spring
Lynchburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 17
amendment providing that $50,000 of the amount be expended in the erection of three arsenals, viz: one at some point on the Baltimore and Ohio, or Northwestern Virginia Railroad; one at some point near the Great Kanawha River, and another in the great valley at or near Winchester, for the defence of the Western and Northwestern frontier and Valley. Mr. Thomas, of Fairfax, wished to amend by providing for the establishment of an arsenal at Alexandria. Mr. Lynch desired one also at Lynchburg. The Chair decided that the bill could not be amended as indicated by Messrs. Thomas and Lynch, it being a House bill, and having already been amended and passed by the Senate. Mr. Thomas, of F., then moved to recommit the bill to a special committee of five. Subsequently withdrawn. The bill then came up on its passage, when the ayes and noes were demanded — ayes 30, noes 2. Joint Resolutions of Tennessee and Pennsylvania.--A communication was received from Gov. Lefche
Stafford (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 17
the Commonwealth's title to 556 1-4 acres of fund in the county of Hanover to John H. Taliaferro. Adverse Report.--The Committee on Finance reported adversely to the petition of Richard Cox and David Griffith, to be refunded a sum of money alleged to have been erroneously assessed against them. Agreed To.--The House agreed to Senate amendments to House bill "to prevent trespasses, depredations, &c., along the borders of the Potomac and other tide waters in the counties of Fairfax, Stafford and King George." Bills Referred.--The following Senate bills were read twice and referred to the Committee on Banks, viz: Bills amending the charters of the Banks of Phillippi and Commonwealth. Mechanicsville Turnpike Company.--Mr. Chapman, from the Committee of Roads and Internal Navigation, to whom was referred Senate bill amending and re-enacting the 2nd section of the charter of the Mechanicsville Turnpike Company, passed February 21st, 1817, reported the same without amendme
Patrick County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 17
ter. Bills Reported.--The following bills were reported from committees, viz: Absolving the State Treasurer from all liability in case of loss of coupon bonds deposited as security for bank circulation, unless the said coupon bonds be converted into registered stock, and prohibiting coupon bonds from being renewed in the future as such security; for the relief of the securities of Robt. S. Coleman, late Sheriff of Carroll county; refunding to Rufus Pulner, late Sheriff of the county of Patrick, a sum of money paid on an erroneous assessment of land; amending and re-enacting the 8th, 9th and 10th sections of chapter 45 of the Code; and releasing the Commonwealth's title to 556 1-4 acres of fund in the county of Hanover to John H. Taliaferro. Adverse Report.--The Committee on Finance reported adversely to the petition of Richard Cox and David Griffith, to be refunded a sum of money alleged to have been erroneously assessed against them. Agreed To.--The House agreed to Sen
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