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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: February 19, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 4 total hits in 2 results.

France (France) (search for this): article 6
Rome. --A letter from Rome states that the Pope is not at all well pleased with the English Catholics, on account of their reluctance to open their purses for the increase and support of the Papal army. France has recently sent 100,000 crowns and a rich collection of bracelets, earrings, brooches, and other female finery. Letters and telegraphic dispatches from Rome show that an actual war, though on a small scale, is at the present time going on between Rome and Sardinia. The brigands and Bourbon soldiers sent out from Rome, with the Pope's blessing, to fight on behalf of Francis II., have had several encounters with the Piedmontese troops. Some of the contests have been fierce and sanguinary, several hundreds of the brigands having lost their lives, and in one instance, at least, the Piedmontese have followed a reactionary band into the Papal territory and inflicted on it signal chastisement.
Rome. --A letter from Rome states that the Pope is not at all well pleased with the English Catholics, on account of their reluctance to open their purses for the increase and support of the Papal army. France has recently sent 100,000 crowns and a rich collection of bracelets, earrings, brooches, and other female finery. Letters and telegraphic dispatches from Rome show that an actual war, though on a small scale, is at the present time going on between Rome and Sardinia. The brigands and Bourbon soldiers sent out from Rome, with the Pope's blessing, to fight on behalf of Francis II., have had several encounters with the Piedmontese troops. Some of the contests have been fierce and sanguinary, several hundreds of the brigands having lost their lives, and in one instance, at least, the Piedmontese have followed a reactionary band into the Papal territory and inflicted on it signal chastisement.