Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 19, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) or search for Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) in all documents.

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question of the right of secession. That question had, with his people, passed beyond the field of argument. If the right be not in the Constitution, the people of Mississippi knew there was a higher law — not the higher law of their foes --but the higher law of the people's power, when they put the lance in its rest and decide the issue in the field. When the North shall make up its mind to coerce us, we shall meet the issue. He hoped for peace in all sections, and trusted that Providence would so ordain that the friends of liberty throughout the world should not have to mourn over the madness and folly of a conflict of arms on this continent; but if war must come, they were preparing for it, and the Southern people would meet it with firmness. The justice of their cause was a tower of strength. When the hour comes (he continued) we know, however you may dread to withdraw from the Union and all its revered associations, where Virginia will then be found. Her sons will be
o which I have been chosen with the hope that the beginning of our career as a Confederacy may not be obstructed by hostile opposition to our enjoyment of the separate existence and independence which we have asserted, and, with the blessing of Providence, intend to maintain. Our present condition has been achieved in a manner unprecedented in the history of nations. It illustrates the American Idea that Governments rest upon the consent of the governed, and that the people may alter and olitical career, my most earnest desire will have been fulfilled; but if this be denied us, and the integrity of our territory or jurisdiction be assailed, it will but remain for as with firm resolve to appeal to arms and invoke the blessing of Providence in a just cause. As a consequence of our new condition, and with a view to meet anticipated wants, it will be necessary to provide a speedy and efficient organization of branches of the Executive Department, having special charge of foreig