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ation has passed away tens of thousands will inhabit this country where only thousands in habit it now. I do not propose to address you at length; I have no voice for it. Allow me again to thank you for this magnificent reception and bid you farewell. Mr. Lincoln spoke with the utmost difficulty, being so hoarse from his frequent efforts as to be scarcely able to make himself heard. The reception at this place was the most ill conducted affair witnessed since the departure from Springfield. A thick crowd had been allowed to await the arrival of the train at the depot, so that but a narrow passage could be kept open by the few soldiers and policemen detailed to protect the President. The President elect was safely got out of the depot only by the desperate efforts of those immediately around him. His party had to struggle with might and main for their lives, and after fighting their way to the open air found some of the carriages already occupied, so that not a few had to
The Daily Dispatch: February 19, 1861., [Electronic resource], The oil discoveries in Western Virginia. (search)
Lincoln's speeches. The speeches of Lincoln on his route from Springfield to Washington ought to be collected in a volume and published for the admiration of posterity. Without this, we don't believe it will be possible to convince the world hereafter that such a complete Sancho Panza of a fellow was ever actually elected to the Chief Magistracy of a great Republic. If such a volume should be published, accompanied by undeniable certificates of the authenticity of these speeches, it woue should think that by this time his best friends must begin to suspect that he is not the man for the crisis. We should as soon think of putting out a fire in the dome of St. Peter's with a penny squirt as to expect such a man as Lincoln to overcome the portentous difficulties that now threaten this country.--By all means let his speeches from Springfield to Washington be published, and adorned in the frontispiece with an engraving of Dame Partington mopping out the Atlantic with her broom.