Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 19, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wheat or search for Wheat in all documents.

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Northern markets. Baltimore, Feb. 18.> --Flour dull; Howard st. and Ohio $5.12, City Mills $5. Wheat firm; red $1.25@ $1.30, white $1.40@$1.60. Corn active; yellow 53@56, white 60@63 Provisions steady; mess Pork $17.75, prime $13.50. Lard steady at 10 Coffee steady at 12 @13 Whiskey dull at 17½@17½c. New York, Nob. 18.>--Cotton quiet — upland middling 11½c. Flour firm — Western $5.40@5.65. --Wheat firm, and 1 higher. Corn firm — mixed 60 @67, yellow 62 @68 Beef dull. Pork steadeady; mess Pork $17.75, prime $13.50. Lard steady at 10 Coffee steady at 12 @13 Whiskey dull at 17½@17½c. New York, Nob. 18.>--Cotton quiet — upland middling 11½c. Flour firm — Western $5.40@5.65. --Wheat firm, and 1 higher. Corn firm — mixed 60 @67, yellow 62 @68 Beef dull. Pork steady — mess $17.12@17.26. Whiskey dull at 17½ @17½c.--sugar steady — Orleans 5½@6½c.; Muscovado 4½@ 6½c. Coffee firm — Rio 11½@13 Naval stores dull. Stocks dull — N. Y. Centr