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Rocky Mount (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 5
thereof has been expended, and what disposition have they made of any part thereof not expended. Adopted. Military Officers.--Mr. Holdway offered a resolution, to the effect that the House, on the 12th inst., proceed to the election of Major and Brigadier Generals of Va. Militia.--Adopted. Bills Passed.--Amending the charter of the city of Richmond, (extending its corporate limits;) authorizing the Merchants' Bank of Lynchburg to establish Branches at certain places, viz: Rocky Mount, Franklin county, Goodson, Washington county, Abingdon, in Washington county, Lebanon, in Russell county, and Princeton, in Mercer county. Sheriffs Commissions.--A message was received from the Senate through Mr. Nash, that that body had passed a joint resolution paying the Sheriffs a per centum for speedy settlement of revenue. Covington and Ohio Railroad.--Mr. Crump moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill concerning the Covington and Ohio Railroad was defeated yesterday. He wan
Covington (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 5
ity of Richmond, (extending its corporate limits;) authorizing the Merchants' Bank of Lynchburg to establish Branches at certain places, viz: Rocky Mount, Franklin county, Goodson, Washington county, Abingdon, in Washington county, Lebanon, in Russell county, and Princeton, in Mercer county. Sheriffs Commissions.--A message was received from the Senate through Mr. Nash, that that body had passed a joint resolution paying the Sheriffs a per centum for speedy settlement of revenue. Covington and Ohio Railroad.--Mr. Crump moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill concerning the Covington and Ohio Railroad was defeated yesterday. He wanted to offer a substitute for the bill. The rules were suspended, and the House agreed to reconsider the vote. The bill was then carried back to its second reading. Finally a motion prevailed to lay the bill and substitute on the table. The substitute offered by Mr. Crump reads as follows: Whereas, the contractors on the Covington
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 5
d: Provided, That said increase shall only be allowed to the contractors now engaged in the construction of said road; and provided, further, that said increase shall only continue until the first day of December, 1861. Virginia and Maryland Boundary Line.--A communication was laid before the House from the Governor. He says: "I appointed Col. Angus McDonald, whom I considered well qualified for the service, an agent to proceed to England to obtain from thence all record and documentary evidence tending to ascertain and establish the true line of boundary between Virginia and the States of North Carolina, Tennessee, and Maryland. I communicate herewith an able and elaborate report made by him." The House laid the communication and accompanying documents on the table. One thousand copies were ordered to be printed for the use of the House. Tax Bill--On motion, the House proceeded to consider the Tax bill, which was advanced to its engrossment. Adjourned.
Abingdon, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 5
ade of any part thereof not expended. Adopted. Military Officers.--Mr. Holdway offered a resolution, to the effect that the House, on the 12th inst., proceed to the election of Major and Brigadier Generals of Va. Militia.--Adopted. Bills Passed.--Amending the charter of the city of Richmond, (extending its corporate limits;) authorizing the Merchants' Bank of Lynchburg to establish Branches at certain places, viz: Rocky Mount, Franklin county, Goodson, Washington county, Abingdon, in Washington county, Lebanon, in Russell county, and Princeton, in Mercer county. Sheriffs Commissions.--A message was received from the Senate through Mr. Nash, that that body had passed a joint resolution paying the Sheriffs a per centum for speedy settlement of revenue. Covington and Ohio Railroad.--Mr. Crump moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill concerning the Covington and Ohio Railroad was defeated yesterday. He wanted to offer a substitute for the bill. The rules were sus
Princeton, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 5
icers.--Mr. Holdway offered a resolution, to the effect that the House, on the 12th inst., proceed to the election of Major and Brigadier Generals of Va. Militia.--Adopted. Bills Passed.--Amending the charter of the city of Richmond, (extending its corporate limits;) authorizing the Merchants' Bank of Lynchburg to establish Branches at certain places, viz: Rocky Mount, Franklin county, Goodson, Washington county, Abingdon, in Washington county, Lebanon, in Russell county, and Princeton, in Mercer county. Sheriffs Commissions.--A message was received from the Senate through Mr. Nash, that that body had passed a joint resolution paying the Sheriffs a per centum for speedy settlement of revenue. Covington and Ohio Railroad.--Mr. Crump moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill concerning the Covington and Ohio Railroad was defeated yesterday. He wanted to offer a substitute for the bill. The rules were suspended, and the House agreed to reconsider the vote. The bill
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 5
: Provided, That said increase shall only be allowed to the contractors now engaged in the construction of said road; and provided, further, that said increase shall only continue until the first day of December, 1861. Virginia and Maryland Boundary Line.--A communication was laid before the House from the Governor. He says: "I appointed Col. Angus McDonald, whom I considered well qualified for the service, an agent to proceed to England to obtain from thence all record and documentary evidence tending to ascertain and establish the true line of boundary between Virginia and the States of North Carolina, Tennessee, and Maryland. I communicate herewith an able and elaborate report made by him." The House laid the communication and accompanying documents on the table. One thousand copies were ordered to be printed for the use of the House. Tax Bill--On motion, the House proceeded to consider the Tax bill, which was advanced to its engrossment. Adjourned.
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 5
Railroad: Provided, That said increase shall only be allowed to the contractors now engaged in the construction of said road; and provided, further, that said increase shall only continue until the first day of December, 1861. Virginia and Maryland Boundary Line.--A communication was laid before the House from the Governor. He says: "I appointed Col. Angus McDonald, whom I considered well qualified for the service, an agent to proceed to England to obtain from thence all record and documentary evidence tending to ascertain and establish the true line of boundary between Virginia and the States of North Carolina, Tennessee, and Maryland. I communicate herewith an able and elaborate report made by him." The House laid the communication and accompanying documents on the table. One thousand copies were ordered to be printed for the use of the House. Tax Bill--On motion, the House proceeded to consider the Tax bill, which was advanced to its engrossment. Adjou
Lynchburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 5
and, if they received the whole $500,000 of the bonds, what part thereof has been expended, and what disposition have they made of any part thereof not expended. Adopted. Military Officers.--Mr. Holdway offered a resolution, to the effect that the House, on the 12th inst., proceed to the election of Major and Brigadier Generals of Va. Militia.--Adopted. Bills Passed.--Amending the charter of the city of Richmond, (extending its corporate limits;) authorizing the Merchants' Bank of Lynchburg to establish Branches at certain places, viz: Rocky Mount, Franklin county, Goodson, Washington county, Abingdon, in Washington county, Lebanon, in Russell county, and Princeton, in Mercer county. Sheriffs Commissions.--A message was received from the Senate through Mr. Nash, that that body had passed a joint resolution paying the Sheriffs a per centum for speedy settlement of revenue. Covington and Ohio Railroad.--Mr. Crump moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill concerni
Lebanon (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 5
pended. Adopted. Military Officers.--Mr. Holdway offered a resolution, to the effect that the House, on the 12th inst., proceed to the election of Major and Brigadier Generals of Va. Militia.--Adopted. Bills Passed.--Amending the charter of the city of Richmond, (extending its corporate limits;) authorizing the Merchants' Bank of Lynchburg to establish Branches at certain places, viz: Rocky Mount, Franklin county, Goodson, Washington county, Abingdon, in Washington county, Lebanon, in Russell county, and Princeton, in Mercer county. Sheriffs Commissions.--A message was received from the Senate through Mr. Nash, that that body had passed a joint resolution paying the Sheriffs a per centum for speedy settlement of revenue. Covington and Ohio Railroad.--Mr. Crump moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill concerning the Covington and Ohio Railroad was defeated yesterday. He wanted to offer a substitute for the bill. The rules were suspended, and the House agreed t
Washington County, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 5
t disposition have they made of any part thereof not expended. Adopted. Military Officers.--Mr. Holdway offered a resolution, to the effect that the House, on the 12th inst., proceed to the election of Major and Brigadier Generals of Va. Militia.--Adopted. Bills Passed.--Amending the charter of the city of Richmond, (extending its corporate limits;) authorizing the Merchants' Bank of Lynchburg to establish Branches at certain places, viz: Rocky Mount, Franklin county, Goodson, Washington county, Abingdon, in Washington county, Lebanon, in Russell county, and Princeton, in Mercer county. Sheriffs Commissions.--A message was received from the Senate through Mr. Nash, that that body had passed a joint resolution paying the Sheriffs a per centum for speedy settlement of revenue. Covington and Ohio Railroad.--Mr. Crump moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill concerning the Covington and Ohio Railroad was defeated yesterday. He wanted to offer a substitute for the
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