plied, arguing that the two propositions — that of the Peace Conference and that of the committee — were not the same, but that the former had undergone essential changes.
The question was then put on the motion to strike out the report of the Committee and insert the substitute offered by Mr. Carlile, and resulted as follows:
Year.--Messrs. Burley, Carlile, Hubbard, and Porter--4.
Nays.--Messrs. Ambler, Armstrong, Aston, Baylor, Berlin, Blakey, Blow, Jr., Boggess, Boisseau, Borst, Boyd, Branch, Brent, Brown, Bruce, Burdett, Byrne, Cabell, Campbell, Caperton, Carter, Chambliss, Chapman, Clemens, Coffman, Conn, C. B. Conrad, R. Y. Conrad, J. H. Cox, R. H. Cox, Custis Deskins, Dulany, Early, Echols, Fisher, Forbes, French, Fugate, Garland, Gillespie, Graham, Gravely, Gray, Goggin, J. Goode, Jr., T. F. Goode, Addison Hall, Cyrus Hall, E. B. Hall, L. S. Hall, Hammond, Harvie, Haymond, Hoge, Holcombe, Holladay, Hull, Isbell, Jackson, Marmaduke Johnson, Peter C. Johnston, K