Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 28, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Robert E. Scott or search for Robert E. Scott in all documents.

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rye, Maslin, Masters, Miller, Moffet, Nelson, Osburn, Parks, Petrick, Pendleton, Porter, Preston, Price, Pugh, Rives, Robt. E. Scott, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlingtone Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, Chapman J. Stuart, Sammers, Sutherlin, Taupon it. In reply to Mr. Conrad, he contended that if he admitted the right of secession, sovereignty must follow. Mr. Scott, of Fauquier, hoped it would not be the pleasure of the Committee to engraft in this resolution a sentiment so contrary. He took the ground that Virginia was dependent upon the will of a Confederated Government. Mr. Wise replied to Mr. Scott, declaring that the State of Virginia was more independent now than she was when George the Third recognized her indepee mere dependencies upon it. If this doctrine were to prevail, then farewell to Republican liberty, for Mr. Lincoln and Gen. Scott could come here with their armies and disperse this Convention. He intended to express his views fully hereafter; but
burn, Parks, Pendleton, Porter, Price, Pugh. Wm. C. Scott, Sharp, Sitlington, Spurlock, A. H. H. Stuart, C. J. Stuart, Summers, Tarr, Taylor, Whitfield, Wickham, Willey, and Wilson--66. Nays.--Messrs. Janney, (President,) Ambler, Baldwin, A. M. Barbour, Jas. Barbour, Blakey, Blow, Boisseau, Borst, Boyd, Branch, Brent, Cabell, Campbell, Chambliss, Chapman, Coffman, Coun, Richard H. Cox, Echols, Fisher, Flourney, Forbes, Garland, Graham, Gravely, Gregory, Goggin, John Goode, T. F. Goode, C. Hall, L. S. Hall, Hammond, Harvie, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Marmaduke Johnson, Kent, Lawson, Leake, Chas. K. Mallory, Jas. B. Mallory, Marye, Miller, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Nelson, Preston, Randolph, Richardson, Rives, Robert E. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Speed, Staples, Strange, Sutherlin, Thornton, Tredway, R. H. Turner, Tyler, Wailer, Williams, Wise, and Woods--70. So the resolution was lost. On motion of Mr. Goode, of Mecklenburg, the Convention adjourned.