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Robert E. Scott | 52 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: April 12, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.
Found 4 total hits in 4 results.
D. Leake (search for this): article 2
$20 reward.
--Ranaway from the subscriber, on the first day of this month, a Negro Woman name Sarah.
She is about 40 years old. She is from the estate of Samuel Leake, and is now held by waiter D. Leake, Trustee.
She is now in Richmond, with a forged pass.
She has lived in Richmond for several years.
She lived for the last two years with Mr. L. B. Conway, on 2d, between Broad and Marshall streets. She has two daughters; the oldest is an invalid, the other a sprightly girl, 11 years old. She has two sisters in Richmond, one living on Marshall, between 2nd and 1st streets, the other on St.
James street, near the corporation line.
I will pay the above reward if sent to me a Ashland, or confined in jail, so I can get her again. Henry Saunders. ap 4--1m
L. B. Conway (search for this): article 2
$20 reward.
--Ranaway from the subscriber, on the first day of this month, a Negro Woman name Sarah.
She is about 40 years old. She is from the estate of Samuel Leake, and is now held by waiter D. Leake, Trustee.
She is now in Richmond, with a forged pass.
She has lived in Richmond for several years.
She lived for the last two years with Mr. L. B. Conway, on 2d, between Broad and Marshall streets. She has two daughters; the oldest is an invalid, the other a sprightly girl, 11 years old. She has two sisters in Richmond, one living on Marshall, between 2nd and 1st streets, the other on St.
James street, near the corporation line.
I will pay the above reward if sent to me a Ashland, or confined in jail, so I can get her again. Henry Saunders. ap 4--1m
Henry Saunders (search for this): article 2
$20 reward.
--Ranaway from the subscriber, on the first day of this month, a Negro Woman name Sarah.
She is about 40 years old. She is from the estate of Samuel Leake, and is now held by waiter D. Leake, Trustee.
She is now in Richmond, with a forged pass.
She has lived in Richmond for several years.
She lived for the last two years with Mr. L. B. Conway, on 2d, between Broad and Marshall streets. She has two daughters; the oldest is an invalid, the other a sprightly girl, 11 years old. She has two sisters in Richmond, one living on Marshall, between 2nd and 1st streets, the other on St.
James street, near the corporation line.
I will pay the above reward if sent to me a Ashland, or confined in jail, so I can get her again. Henry Saunders. ap 4--1m
Samuel Leake (search for this): article 2
$20 reward.
--Ranaway from the subscriber, on the first day of this month, a Negro Woman name Sarah.
She is about 40 years old. She is from the estate of Samuel Leake, and is now held by waiter D. Leake, Trustee.
She is now in Richmond, with a forged pass.
She has lived in Richmond for several years.
She lived for the last two years with Mr. L. B. Conway, on 2d, between Broad and Marshall streets. She has two daughters; the oldest is an invalid, the other a sprightly girl, 11 years old. She has two sisters in Richmond, one living on Marshall, between 2nd and 1st streets, the other on St.
James street, near the corporation line.
I will pay the above reward if sent to me a Ashland, or confined in jail, so I can get her again. Henry Saunders. ap 4--1m