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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: April 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 5 total hits in 2 results.

Waltham (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 6
Will Kerosene explode? --The Boston Journal thus answers the question "will Kerosene Oil explode?" About half-past 8 o'clock Thursday evening, Mr. Samuel A. French, employed in managing the business of the Giddings estate grocery store, on Moody street, Waltham, was engaged in the cellar of the store in drawing Kerosene Oil from a barrel and filling a tin can with the same, when the gas arising from the oil was ignited by a lamp which stood about six feet from the barrel. An explosion followed, the oil in both the can and barrel taking fire, and spreading through the cellar. Mr. French saw a flame of fire darting across his vision and put up his hand toward it from his face, when the burning oil flew upon his hand and burned the flesh to the bone. The oil fell upon his right foot, burning it in a shocking manner. He succeeded in escaping from the store which, with all its contents of groceries, was entirely destroyed,
Samuel A. French (search for this): article 6
Will Kerosene explode? --The Boston Journal thus answers the question "will Kerosene Oil explode?" About half-past 8 o'clock Thursday evening, Mr. Samuel A. French, employed in managing the business of the Giddings estate grocery store, on Moody street, Waltham, was engaged in the cellar of the store in drawing Kerosene Oil from a barrel and filling a tin can with the same, when the gas arising from the oil was ignited by a lamp which stood about six feet from the barrel. An explosion folh stood about six feet from the barrel. An explosion followed, the oil in both the can and barrel taking fire, and spreading through the cellar. Mr. French saw a flame of fire darting across his vision and put up his hand toward it from his face, when the burning oil flew upon his hand and burned the flesh to the bone. The oil fell upon his right foot, burning it in a shocking manner. He succeeded in escaping from the store which, with all its contents of groceries, was entirely destroyed,