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Temperance Hill (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 7
o home to Lee and endeavor to raise a company; if he failed, he would join any company that would take him in! Dr. White remarked that he had been administering blue pills to the people here — now he wanted to give doses of blue pills of a different kind to Abe Lincoln and his Black Republican myrmidons. Col. Dunn, Mr. Richmond, W. Burton, Esq., and Mr. Humes, of Knoxville, Tenn., all were ready to do their best. The war spirit of the descendants of King's Mountain is stirred up. The Temperance Hall and the building for Martha Washington College have been converted into barracks. Five companies of volunteers have been raised in this county: the Washington Mounted Riflemen, under command of Capt. W. E. Jones; the Mountain Boys, under command of Capt. Wm. White, an Artillery Company of Dr. White, Glade Spring Rifle Company, and the Goodson Rifle Guard company, under Capt. Jno. Terry. Our best young men have volunteered. The ladies are busily engaged in making clothes for them.
Washington County, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 7
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.prompt action in the Southwest--eloquentspeeches — patriotism of the women — organization of troops, &c., &c. Abingdon, Va., April 23, 1861. In a letter to you a few days since, I stated that the people of old Washington county were aroused — enraged against the powers that be at the Federal city. A salute was fired here when the news was received of the surrender of Fort Sumter, and also when the fact was made known that the Convention had passed an Ordinance of Secession. A worthy citizen, Mr. James Warren, was severely injured by an accidental going-off of the cannon on that day. Yesterday (Monday) was a great day in Abingdon. At least two thousand people had gathered in from all parts of the county — from the valleys and the mountains, from the creeks and the rivers. About 11 o'clock A. M., two regiments, besides the old citizens, and members of another regiment, under command of the Colonels, repaired to an open field fo
Abingdon, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 7
In a letter to you a few days since, I stated that the people of old Washington county were aroused — enraged against the powers that be at the Federal city. A salute was fired here when the news was received of the surrender of Fort Sumter, and also when the fact was made known that the Convention had passed an Ordinance of Secession. A worthy citizen, Mr. James Warren, was severely injured by an accidental going-off of the cannon on that day. Yesterday (Monday) was a great day in Abingdon. At least two thousand people had gathered in from all parts of the county — from the valleys and the mountains, from the creeks and the rivers. About 11 o'clock A. M., two regiments, besides the old citizens, and members of another regiment, under command of the Colonels, repaired to an open field for the purpose of enlisting volunteers. A stirring and eloquent speech was delivered by Joseph T. Campbell, Esq. He told the people that he had been one of the men who had believed that the o
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 7
oped for an honorable settlement of difficulties; but as peaceable efforts had failed, he was now ready to fight. He would go home to Lee and endeavor to raise a company; if he failed, he would join any company that would take him in! Dr. White remarked that he had been administering blue pills to the people here — now he wanted to give doses of blue pills of a different kind to Abe Lincoln and his Black Republican myrmidons. Col. Dunn, Mr. Richmond, W. Burton, Esq., and Mr. Humes, of Knoxville, Tenn., all were ready to do their best. The war spirit of the descendants of King's Mountain is stirred up. The Temperance Hall and the building for Martha Washington College have been converted into barracks. Five companies of volunteers have been raised in this county: the Washington Mounted Riflemen, under command of Capt. W. E. Jones; the Mountain Boys, under command of Capt. Wm. White, an Artillery Company of Dr. White, Glade Spring Rifle Company, and the Goodson Rifle Guard compan
Glade Spring, Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 7
r. Richmond, W. Burton, Esq., and Mr. Humes, of Knoxville, Tenn., all were ready to do their best. The war spirit of the descendants of King's Mountain is stirred up. The Temperance Hall and the building for Martha Washington College have been converted into barracks. Five companies of volunteers have been raised in this county: the Washington Mounted Riflemen, under command of Capt. W. E. Jones; the Mountain Boys, under command of Capt. Wm. White, an Artillery Company of Dr. White, Glade Spring Rifle Company, and the Goodson Rifle Guard company, under Capt. Jno. Terry. Our best young men have volunteered. The ladies are busily engaged in making clothes for them. At night, Abe Lincoln was burned in effigy at the Court-House. Our boys will fight like young devils. Abraham had better look out for squalls. Let him gather up his Scotch cap and cloak and sneak out of Washington as he sneaked into the place. Oh! what a war, brought on by a set of long-faced, sharp-fa
Isaac B. Dunn (search for this): article 7
been prepared. The people then returned to town. Notice was given that speeches would be delivered in the Court-House. A general rush was made to hear them. Messrs. Walter Preston, Jas. W. Humes, Joseph T. Campbell, Jonathan Richmond, Isaac B. Dunn, Col. E. S. Martin, Gov. McMullin, Dr. Jas. L. White and Wm. White responded to calls made upon them by the crowd. Each gentleman made eloquent appeals to the people — each said that he was willing to engage in the fight. Col. McMullin rela would join any company that would take him in! Dr. White remarked that he had been administering blue pills to the people here — now he wanted to give doses of blue pills of a different kind to Abe Lincoln and his Black Republican myrmidons. Col. Dunn, Mr. Richmond, W. Burton, Esq., and Mr. Humes, of Knoxville, Tenn., all were ready to do their best. The war spirit of the descendants of King's Mountain is stirred up. The Temperance Hall and the building for Martha Washington College have be
Mrs. Hagy replied: "Let him go! I would rather be the widow of a brave man than the wife of a coward." Immense cheering was given when this was related. Gov. McMullin said that he had been a candidate for Congress, but now he was a candidate for Abe Lincoln's scalp! Col. Martin said that he had been a candidate for re-election to Congress — that he had hoped for an honorable settlement of difficulties; but as peaceable efforts had failed, he was now ready to fight. He would go home to Lee and endeavor to raise a company; if he failed, he would join any company that would take him in! Dr. White remarked that he had been administering blue pills to the people here — now he wanted to give doses of blue pills of a different kind to Abe Lincoln and his Black Republican myrmidons. Col. Dunn, Mr. Richmond, W. Burton, Esq., and Mr. Humes, of Knoxville, Tenn., all were ready to do their best. The war spirit of the descendants of King's Mountain is stirred up. The Temperance Hall and
Abe Lincoln (search for this): article 7
whilst Virginia was doing all in her power to bring about an adjustment of the difficulties, Mr. Lincoln had been practicing deception, for the purpose of preparing himself to bind us hand and foot.be a virtue, and we must now fight it out. He had a wife, but he would now volunteer to fight Mr. Lincoln and his Black Republican hordes. He appealed to all to come up to the contest, as life, libe Gov. McMullin said that he had been a candidate for Congress, but now he was a candidate for Abe Lincoln's scalp! Col. Martin said that he had been a candidate for re-election to Congress — thae pills to the people here — now he wanted to give doses of blue pills of a different kind to Abe Lincoln and his Black Republican myrmidons. Col. Dunn, Mr. Richmond, W. Burton, Esq., and Mr. Humes,n have volunteered. The ladies are busily engaged in making clothes for them. At night, Abe Lincoln was burned in effigy at the Court-House. Our boys will fight like young devils. Abraham
W. E. Jones (search for this): article 7
doses of blue pills of a different kind to Abe Lincoln and his Black Republican myrmidons. Col. Dunn, Mr. Richmond, W. Burton, Esq., and Mr. Humes, of Knoxville, Tenn., all were ready to do their best. The war spirit of the descendants of King's Mountain is stirred up. The Temperance Hall and the building for Martha Washington College have been converted into barracks. Five companies of volunteers have been raised in this county: the Washington Mounted Riflemen, under command of Capt. W. E. Jones; the Mountain Boys, under command of Capt. Wm. White, an Artillery Company of Dr. White, Glade Spring Rifle Company, and the Goodson Rifle Guard company, under Capt. Jno. Terry. Our best young men have volunteered. The ladies are busily engaged in making clothes for them. At night, Abe Lincoln was burned in effigy at the Court-House. Our boys will fight like young devils. Abraham had better look out for squalls. Let him gather up his Scotch cap and cloak and sneak out of
W. Burton (search for this): article 7
e-election to Congress — that he had hoped for an honorable settlement of difficulties; but as peaceable efforts had failed, he was now ready to fight. He would go home to Lee and endeavor to raise a company; if he failed, he would join any company that would take him in! Dr. White remarked that he had been administering blue pills to the people here — now he wanted to give doses of blue pills of a different kind to Abe Lincoln and his Black Republican myrmidons. Col. Dunn, Mr. Richmond, W. Burton, Esq., and Mr. Humes, of Knoxville, Tenn., all were ready to do their best. The war spirit of the descendants of King's Mountain is stirred up. The Temperance Hall and the building for Martha Washington College have been converted into barracks. Five companies of volunteers have been raised in this county: the Washington Mounted Riflemen, under command of Capt. W. E. Jones; the Mountain Boys, under command of Capt. Wm. White, an Artillery Company of Dr. White, Glade Spring Rifle Comp
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