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at the purchase of an ordinary hat-rack for his room, worth $10. And the proprietor of a large Cabinet warehouse, with whom the Government deals, assured me that the furniture in the two Executive rooms of the President cost very little more than that purchased to furnish the apartments of the most ordinary clerks. The people of the Confederate States, like the Sumters and Marions of the first Revolution will breakfast on roots and dine on sweet potatoes sooner than abandon their noble struggle for Southern independence. Intelligence reached the War Department last night (Sunday) from Virginia in relation to the destruction of the Gosport Navy-Yard. The President was sent for, and was engaged in consultation with Gen. Walker until a late hour of the night. Great indignation is expressed at the malicious act, which shows how cold-blooded and atrocious is the hate of the enraged beast against a people for whom he recently expressed his partiality and admiration. J. R. P.
C. W. Boyd, First Sergeant; Jesse S. Gwin, Second Sergeant; W. S. Aliston, Third Sergeant; Wm. Munro, Fourth Sergeant; H. F. Scaife, Fifth Sergeant; W. H. Jeter, First Corporal; B. F. Glen, Second Corporal; C. W. Porter, Third Corporal; W. H. Giles, Fourth Corporal; James Porvis, Fifth Corporal. Company H.--Edgefield.--R. Merriweather, Captain; A. P. Butler, First Lieutenant; J. Merriweather, Second Lieutenant. Company I--Monticello Guard.--J. B. Davis, Captain; D. R. Elkin, Third Lieutenant; John C. Bell, Orderly Sergeant; H. McCormick, Second Sergeant; Joseph B. Hoy, Third Sergeant; James Murphy, Second Corporal; D. R. Martin, Third Corporal; W. F. Kirkland, Fourth Corporal; Joseph Willingham, Fifth Corporal; J. W. Paul, Sixth Corporal. Company Y--Rhett Guards, of Newberry.--Under the command of Capt. Walker; First Lieutenant Notts; Second Lieutenant Pope; Third Lieutenant Sigon. Company M--Richardson Guards, of Charleston.--Lieutenant Charles Axson, Commanding.
n, C. H. Williamson, A. Lynch. Assistant Surgeons.--H. W. M. Washington, A. S. Garnett, T. J. Charlton. Paymaster.--R. T. Allison. Seventy-two Southern midshipmen from the Naval School. On the return of the ships from distant stations, the list of resignations will be greatly increased. List of the "gallant heroes" who destroyedthe Norfolk Yard. Com. H. Paulding, New York; Capt. C. Wilkes, of the late Exploring Expedition, New York, (volunteer.) Commanders.--W. Walker, D. C., volunteer; T. A. Jenkins, Va., volunteer; John Rodgers, Md., volunteer; B. F. Sands, Ky., ordered; J. Alden, Maine, volunteer. Lieutenants.--E. Parrott, N. H., ordered; Max Woodhule, N. Y., volunteer; Henry A. Wise, nephew of Gov. H. A. Wise, volunteer; Wm. Gibson, Md., volunteer; J. H. Russel, Md., volunteer; C. P. McGarey, N. C., ordered; A. W. Johnson, D. C., ordered; C. N. Morris, N. Y., volunteer. To take the ships out, was legitimate duty; but to set fire to the pro