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Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 9
een Washington and Philadelphia, is a Baltimorean. On the delivery of his dispatches in Philadelphia, Capt. Sanders discovered that they had all been opened and read somewhere on the road between Washington and that city. Conner is believed by the Government to have sold the information they contained at a round price. He is now in the custody of Col. Butler, at Annapolis, who, it is understood, will probably hang him. There are now some 3,000 troops at Annapolis from New York and Pennsylvania. The 71st (New York) Regiment are quartered inside the Navy-Yard. The 12th (New York) Regiment are to be quartered in a few days in the public square, near Franklin Row. W. C. Riddall, of Virginia, clerk in the State Department, has been removed. Geo. Rye, of Virginia, has been appointed to a $1,200 clerkship. Under the head of "important commercial information," the National Intelligencer says: We learn that on application made by some of the Diplomatic Corps
Annapolis (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 9
n and that city. Conner is believed by the Government to have sold the information they contained at a round price. He is now in the custody of Col. Butler, at Annapolis, who, it is understood, will probably hang him. There are now some 3,000 troops at Annapolis from New York and Pennsylvania. The 71st (New York) RegimeAnnapolis from New York and Pennsylvania. The 71st (New York) Regiment are quartered inside the Navy-Yard. The 12th (New York) Regiment are to be quartered in a few days in the public square, near Franklin Row. W. C. Riddall, of Virginia, clerk in the State Department, has been removed. Geo. Rye, of Virginia, has been appointed to a $1,200 clerkship. Under the head of "important conal charges -- one was detected in theft, but on the person of the other was found papers of a character suspicious, if not treasonable. His name is Granville. He was originally from Hoboken, N. Y., but has recently resided in Baltimore. He was sent down to Annapolis, and is now in the hands of the military under Gen. Butler.
Franklin row (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 9
the road between Washington and that city. Conner is believed by the Government to have sold the information they contained at a round price. He is now in the custody of Col. Butler, at Annapolis, who, it is understood, will probably hang him. There are now some 3,000 troops at Annapolis from New York and Pennsylvania. The 71st (New York) Regiment are quartered inside the Navy-Yard. The 12th (New York) Regiment are to be quartered in a few days in the public square, near Franklin Row. W. C. Riddall, of Virginia, clerk in the State Department, has been removed. Geo. Rye, of Virginia, has been appointed to a $1,200 clerkship. Under the head of "important commercial information," the National Intelligencer says: We learn that on application made by some of the Diplomatic Corps at the State Department, the following points were ascertained: 1st. Vessels in blockaded ports when the blockade took effect, will be allowed a reasonable time to depart.
United States (United States) (search for this): article 9
certained that martial law will not be proclaimed here unless there shall be reason for it, which certainly does not now exist. Among the unfounded reports to-day was one that the War Department had received a dispatch stating that the Confederate States troops were concentrating in Virginia for an immediate raid on Washington, Military men, however, have no fears on that subject. The Government is sedulously and promptly providing for the equipment and comfort of such volunteers how hports when the blockade took effect, will be allowed a reasonable time to depart. 2d. Vessels bringing emigrants, though they had no notice of the blockade, will not be allowed to enter blockaded ports. That class of persons come to the United States chiefly to settle in the upper States of the Mississippi, it will be better for them to enter an open port, and thence make their way to their destination, rather than encounter the dangers and casualties incident to the insurrectionary condi
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 9
Virginia for an immediate raid on Washington, Military men, however, have no fears on that subject. The Government is sedulously and promptly providing for the equipment and comfort of such volunteers how here as hastily left their various employments for the defence of the Capital. But few of the Government employees received their month's salaries to-day, the money for that purpose not having yet arrived from New York. The intelligence of a marked improvement in affairs in Maryland in a peaceful aspect imparts general satisfaction. Says the Washington Star, of Thursday: John Conner, the Government messenger who recently tampered with confidential dispatches entrusted to him for conveyance between Washington and Philadelphia, is a Baltimorean. On the delivery of his dispatches in Philadelphia, Capt. Sanders discovered that they had all been opened and read somewhere on the road between Washington and that city. Conner is believed by the Government to have
Hoboken (New York, United States) (search for this): article 9
blockaded ports when the blockade took effect, will be allowed a reasonable time to depart. 2d. Vessels bringing emigrants, though they had no notice of the blockade, will not be allowed to enter blockaded ports. That class of persons come to the United States chiefly to settle in the upper States of the Mississippi, it will be better for them to enter an open port, and thence make their way to their destination, rather than encounter the dangers and casualties incident to the insurrectionary condition of the Gulf States. The Sun's Washington correspondent says: Two persons were arrested by some of the Sixty ninth New York Regiment, on criminal charges -- one was detected in theft, but on the person of the other was found papers of a character suspicious, if not treasonable. His name is Granville. He was originally from Hoboken, N. Y., but has recently resided in Baltimore. He was sent down to Annapolis, and is now in the hands of the military under Gen. Butler.
John Conner (search for this): article 9
to-day, the money for that purpose not having yet arrived from New York. The intelligence of a marked improvement in affairs in Maryland in a peaceful aspect imparts general satisfaction. Says the Washington Star, of Thursday: John Conner, the Government messenger who recently tampered with confidential dispatches entrusted to him for conveyance between Washington and Philadelphia, is a Baltimorean. On the delivery of his dispatches in Philadelphia, Capt. Sanders discovered that they had all been opened and read somewhere on the road between Washington and that city. Conner is believed by the Government to have sold the information they contained at a round price. He is now in the custody of Col. Butler, at Annapolis, who, it is understood, will probably hang him. There are now some 3,000 troops at Annapolis from New York and Pennsylvania. The 71st (New York) Regiment are quartered inside the Navy-Yard. The 12th (New York) Regiment are to be quartere
George Rye (search for this): article 9
the information they contained at a round price. He is now in the custody of Col. Butler, at Annapolis, who, it is understood, will probably hang him. There are now some 3,000 troops at Annapolis from New York and Pennsylvania. The 71st (New York) Regiment are quartered inside the Navy-Yard. The 12th (New York) Regiment are to be quartered in a few days in the public square, near Franklin Row. W. C. Riddall, of Virginia, clerk in the State Department, has been removed. Geo. Rye, of Virginia, has been appointed to a $1,200 clerkship. Under the head of "important commercial information," the National Intelligencer says: We learn that on application made by some of the Diplomatic Corps at the State Department, the following points were ascertained: 1st. Vessels in blockaded ports when the blockade took effect, will be allowed a reasonable time to depart. 2d. Vessels bringing emigrants, though they had no notice of the blockade, will not be al
Granville (search for this): article 9
lockaded ports when the blockade took effect, will be allowed a reasonable time to depart. 2d. Vessels bringing emigrants, though they had no notice of the blockade, will not be allowed to enter blockaded ports. That class of persons come to the United States chiefly to settle in the upper States of the Mississippi, it will be better for them to enter an open port, and thence make their way to their destination, rather than encounter the dangers and casualties incident to the insurrectionary condition of the Gulf States. The Sun's Washington correspondent says: Two persons were arrested by some of the Sixty ninth New York Regiment, on criminal charges -- one was detected in theft, but on the person of the other was found papers of a character suspicious, if not treasonable. His name is Granville. He was originally from Hoboken, N. Y., but has recently resided in Baltimore. He was sent down to Annapolis, and is now in the hands of the military under Gen. Butler.
G. W. P. Curtis (search for this): article 9
From Washington. The Alexandria Gazette, of yesterday, furnishes the following: Washington, May 2.--Washington to- day is quiet and orderly in the extreme; no facts or rumors of any importance, or even a sensational character, are discussed. Arlington Heights, nor any other point on the Virginia side of the Potomac, have been occupied by the troops of the Administration. The children of the lamented G. W. P. Curtis still reside in their wonted ease and quietness at the family mansion on the Arlington estate. More Northern troops are arriving, and a force of forty thousand well armed and equipped men will soon guard the city. Government vessels come and go from the Navy-Yard and Arsenal, to all points on the Potomac and Chesapeake Bay without any interruption or inconvenience, whatever. The rumor about the occupation of Alexandria by the Federal forces obtains no credence in any quarter whatever, though some of the Republicans say that it would be bu
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