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United States (United States) 42 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: may 7, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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Annapolis (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 8
artment, and had been set to work filling bombs, but instead of charging them with powder, he put sand in them. Several men have been arrested for tearing up the track of the railroad, and they will be summarily dealt with." A letter from Annapolis, April 28th, says: "And now to give you an example of the punishment traitors receive, we can see from where I am writing, about two miles from shore, on the yard-arm of the United States brig Caledonia, two men hanging--one for smugglingg provisions and powder to the rebels at Charleston; the other for piloting the Seventh Regiment on the Chesapeake bar — with the intention that the Baltimorean might get possession of Annapolis before the Seventh could land. He was not quite sharp enough for the boys. They suspected his intentions, put him in irons, and conveyed him on board the brig, and now he is hanging for his crime." The New York Day Book asks: "Do the Administration hang men charged with treason without trial?"
United States (United States) (search for this): article 8
omorrow morning. He was in the employ of the Ordnance Department, and had been set to work filling bombs, but instead of charging them with powder, he put sand in them. Several men have been arrested for tearing up the track of the railroad, and they will be summarily dealt with." A letter from Annapolis, April 28th, says: "And now to give you an example of the punishment traitors receive, we can see from where I am writing, about two miles from shore, on the yard-arm of the United States brig Caledonia, two men hanging--one for smuggling provisions and powder to the rebels at Charleston; the other for piloting the Seventh Regiment on the Chesapeake bar — with the intention that the Baltimorean might get possession of Annapolis before the Seventh could land. He was not quite sharp enough for the boys. They suspected his intentions, put him in irons, and conveyed him on board the brig, and now he is hanging for his crime." The New York Day Book asks: "Do the Admini
April 28th (search for this): article 8
ton papers have been silent on the subject: "Six secessionists were caught yesterday, in treasonable acts, and two were shot this morning at the Navy-Yard. One is to be shot tomorrow morning. He was in the employ of the Ordnance Department, and had been set to work filling bombs, but instead of charging them with powder, he put sand in them. Several men have been arrested for tearing up the track of the railroad, and they will be summarily dealt with." A letter from Annapolis, April 28th, says: "And now to give you an example of the punishment traitors receive, we can see from where I am writing, about two miles from shore, on the yard-arm of the United States brig Caledonia, two men hanging--one for smuggling provisions and powder to the rebels at Charleston; the other for piloting the Seventh Regiment on the Chesapeake bar — with the intention that the Baltimorean might get possession of Annapolis before the Seventh could land. He was not quite sharp enough for th