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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 6 total hits in 3 results.

Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): article 2
Portsmouth,Va May 11, 1861 Troops from Louisiana arrived in Norfolk yesterday. The Harriet Lane and the battery at Craney Plaid exchanged shots yesterday afternoon. It seem the Harriet Lane was in pursuit of a hilte schooner, but failing to overhaul her, those to have a little sport with the battery she look care, however, to keep at a safe distance out of danger. There seems to be reflection taking the place of fierce passions and devilish hate in some portions of the North. Infuriate vows of provincial subjugation and ultimate extermination, seem to be giving place to the sober second thought, which suggests that prudence in the better part of valor. We hear that it was not in the programme of some of the Northern velunteer horde to invade the South, but simply to protect the city of Washington, for which purpose enlistments were avowedly made. No such wild and impracticable and scandal scheme as Southern subjug?tion and determination entered into the views
H. T. Butt (search for this): article 2
thusiasm of the whole people, begin to open the eyes of men who have deluded and suffered themselves to be kindly led by the black demagegues of the North to effect an object, which has not truth or justice for its basis. The election of Dr. H. T. Butt, of this city, from the position of Surgeon of the Third Regiment, which he has occupied since its organization, is a source of regret to every man of the Regiment, many of whom have so expressed themselves to him. A total stranger, though a the black demagegues of the North to effect an object, which has not truth or justice for its basis. The election of Dr. H. T. Butt, of this city, from the position of Surgeon of the Third Regiment, which he has occupied since its organization, is a source of regret to every man of the Regiment, many of whom have so expressed themselves to him. A total stranger, though a gentleman, and as competent as his predecessor, it may be, has been substituted in the place of Dr. Butt. Old Dominion.
May 11th, 1861 AD (search for this): article 2
Portsmouth,Va May 11, 1861 Troops from Louisiana arrived in Norfolk yesterday. The Harriet Lane and the battery at Craney Plaid exchanged shots yesterday afternoon. It seem the Harriet Lane was in pursuit of a hilte schooner, but failing to overhaul her, those to have a little sport with the battery she look care, however, to keep at a safe distance out of danger. There seems to be reflection taking the place of fierce passions and devilish hate in some portions of the North. Infuriate vows of provincial subjugation and ultimate extermination, seem to be giving place to the sober second thought, which suggests that prudence in the better part of valor. We hear that it was not in the programme of some of the Northern velunteer horde to invade the South, but simply to protect the city of Washington, for which purpose enlistments were avowedly made. No such wild and impracticable and scandal scheme as Southern subjug?tion and determination entered into the views o