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Entity Max. Freq Min. Freq
Abraham Lincoln 36 0 Browse Search
United States (United States) 26 0 Browse Search
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) 22 0 Browse Search
Maryland (Maryland, United States) 22 0 Browse Search
Ross Winans 16 0 Browse Search
Virginia (Virginia, United States) 16 0 Browse Search
Ashland (Virginia, United States) 16 0 Browse Search
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) 14 0 Browse Search
William Meade 11 1 Browse Search
Harper 10 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: may 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 1 total hit in 1 results.

David Meredith Reese (search for this): article 12
Dr. David Meredith Reese, well known to the medical esaraityin this country and throughout such inspired in New York, Thursday morning.