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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: may 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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United States (United States) (search for this): article 2
o the First Brigade of Missouri Volunteers. Capt. Lyon has been elected Brig. Gen'l Commanding, and has accepted the command by authority of the President. Emmet McDonald, Captain of the Mounted Rifles, has refused to swear allegiance to the United States, or accept his release on parole, and he is still confined at the Arsenal as a prisoner of war. An application has been made to Judge Treat, of the Circuit Court, for a writ of habeas corpus, and his decision is anxiously looked for. TheThe number of prisoners taken to the Arsenal was 639 privates and 50 officers. The principal arms taken from Camp Jackson were four large-sized howitzers, two ten-inch mortars, a large number of ten-inch shells, ready charged, some 5,000 United States muskets, supposed to be a portion of those taken from the Baton Rouge Arsenal. The city is now quiet, and the highest hopes are entertained that no further disturbance will occur. Twenty-two persons are known to have been killed at
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 2
izens. He says that whatever may be the termination of the present condition of things in respect to the Cotton States, Missouri must share the destiny of the Union, and all the power of the Government will be exerted to maintain her position. The General says,"whilst disclaiming all desire or intention to interfere with the prerogative of the State of Missouri, or with the functions of its Executive, yet I regard it my plain path of duty to express to the people of Missouri, in respectfuMissouri, in respectful but decided language, that within the field and scope of my command the supreme law of the land must and shall be maintained, and no subterfuges whatever, in forms of legislative acts or otherwise, can be permitted to harass or oppress the good andthe field and scope of my command the supreme law of the land must and shall be maintained, and no subterfuges whatever, in forms of legislative acts or otherwise, can be permitted to harass or oppress the good and law-abiding people of Missouri."
Further from St. Louis. A telegraphic dispatch from St. Louis, May 14,says: The First Regiments of Volunteers of this State have been formed into the First Brigade of Missouri Volunteers. Capt. Lyon has been elected Brig. Gen'l Commanding, and has accepted the command by authority of the President. Emmet McDonald, Captain of the Mounted Rifles, has refused to swear allegiance to the United States, or accept his release on parole, and he is still confined at the Arsenal as a prisoner of war. An application has been made to Judge Treat, of the Circuit Court, for a writ of habeas corpus, and his decision is anxiously looked for. The following arms, in addition to those already enumerated, were seized at Camp Jackson: Three 32 pounders, a large quantity of balls and bombs, several pieces of artillery, twelve hundred rifles of the late model, six brass field-pieces, six brass six inch mortars, one ten-inch iron mortar, three six-inch iron cannon, several chests of new musk
Emmet McDonald (search for this): article 2
Further from St. Louis. A telegraphic dispatch from St. Louis, May 14,says: The First Regiments of Volunteers of this State have been formed into the First Brigade of Missouri Volunteers. Capt. Lyon has been elected Brig. Gen'l Commanding, and has accepted the command by authority of the President. Emmet McDonald, Captain of the Mounted Rifles, has refused to swear allegiance to the United States, or accept his release on parole, and he is still confined at the Arsenal as a prisoner of war. An application has been made to Judge Treat, of the Circuit Court, for a writ of habeas corpus, and his decision is anxiously looked for. The following arms, in addition to those already enumerated, were seized at Camp Jackson: Three 32 pounders, a large quantity of balls and bombs, several pieces of artillery, twelve hundred rifles of the late model, six brass field-pieces, six brass six inch mortars, one ten-inch iron mortar, three six-inch iron cannon, several chests of new musk
zed howitzers, two ten-inch mortars, a large number of ten-inch shells, ready charged, some 5,000 United States muskets, supposed to be a portion of those taken from the Baton Rouge Arsenal. The city is now quiet, and the highest hopes are entertained that no further disturbance will occur. Twenty-two persons are known to have been killed at Camp Jackson. Three of these soldiers belonged to the Southwest expedition, and were going as prisoners captured at Camp Jackson. Gen. Harney publishes an address to the people of the State, in which he says the military bill recently passed by the Legislature is an indirect Secession Ordinance, unconstitutional, and ought not to be upheld by good citizens. He says that whatever may be the termination of the present condition of things in respect to the Cotton States, Missouri must share the destiny of the Union, and all the power of the Government will be exerted to maintain her position. The General says,"whilst disclai
patch from St. Louis, May 14,says: The First Regiments of Volunteers of this State have been formed into the First Brigade of Missouri Volunteers. Capt. Lyon has been elected Brig. Gen'l Commanding, and has accepted the command by authority of the President. Emmet McDonald, Captain of the Mounted Rifles, has refused to swear allegiance to the United States, or accept his release on parole, and he is still confined at the Arsenal as a prisoner of war. An application has been made to Judge Treat, of the Circuit Court, for a writ of habeas corpus, and his decision is anxiously looked for. The following arms, in addition to those already enumerated, were seized at Camp Jackson: Three 32 pounders, a large quantity of balls and bombs, several pieces of artillery, twelve hundred rifles of the late model, six brass field-pieces, six brass six inch mortars, one ten-inch iron mortar, three six-inch iron cannon, several chests of new muskets, five boxes of canister shot, ninety-six t
Further from St. Louis. A telegraphic dispatch from St. Louis, May 14,says: The First Regiments of Volunteers of this State have been formed into the First Brigade of Missouri Volunteers. Capt. Lyon has been elected Brig. Gen'l Commanding, and has accepted the command by authority of the President. Emmet McDonald, Captain of the Mounted Rifles, has refused to swear allegiance to the United States, or accept his release on parole, and he is still confined at the Arsenal as a prisoner of war. An application has been made to Judge Treat, of the Circuit Court, for a writ of habeas corpus, and his decision is anxiously looked for. The following arms, in addition to those already enumerated, were seized at Camp Jackson: Three 32 pounders, a large quantity of balls and bombs, several pieces of artillery, twelve hundred rifles of the late model, six brass field-pieces, six brass six inch mortars, one ten-inch iron mortar, three six-inch iron cannon, several chests of new mus