Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 22, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for May 21st or search for May 21st in all documents.

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From Washington. The Alexandria Gazette, of yesterday, has the following: Washington,May 21.--It is currently reported in Washington that as overpowering effort will be made to adjourn Congress as soon as supplies for the war shall have been voted, in order to cut off all attempts at compromise. Col. Vossburg, of the New York 71st Regiment, died this morning, from the rupture of a blood-vessel, at the Navy-Yard. The horrible sanitary condition of the various barracks in this city, now occupied by the Federal troops, creates alarm, from the fear that some terrible pestilence will break out, which will depopulate the city. The Pennsylvania Fifth is quartered at Inauguration Hall, under the floor of which were found on Saturday several pools of stagnant water and a dead hog. One member, who was perfectly well Saturday night, died yesterday, without any apparent cause. His body was as blue as indigo an hour before he died. His name was George Shreck, from Scha
From Alexandria. Alexandria, May 21. --An immense meeting was held here to-night. Speeches were made by H. W. Thomas, Geo. W. Brent, and others, favoring the ratification of the Ordinance of Secession. In accordance with the provision of the Governor's Council, two military companies from a distances voted to-day. The following is the result: For ratification, 133; against, 2.
Capture of an English merchant ship. New York, May 21. --The ship Gen. Parkhill, from Liverpool for Charleston, was brought up to the Brooklyn Navy Yard to-day, in charge of a prize crew from the Niagara. The General Parkhill was captured while attempting to run the blockade of Charleston harbor.
New York markets. New York, May 21. --Flour and Corn unchanged. Provisions quiet. Whiskey 15¼c.