Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 22, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Myers or search for Myers in all documents.

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"About four hundred men, with two hundred horses, have been employed on the aqueduct works in this city. Most of the principals engaged upon the works, Chief Engineer Myers, four of his assistants, Captain Meigs, corresponding clerk; and Mr. Rivers, whom Captain Meigs left in charge of the Capitol when he went to Fort Pickens,eceded, gone South and joined the traitors. Complaints have been made that the four hundred men referred to above originally were organized into four companies by Myers, and that they were disloyal, and being stationed at Drover's Rest, on the direct road leading to Harper's Ferry, and on the line of the canal, were evidently enga the Army. "--N. Y. Herald. The above information is singularly accurate, as is generally the case with what emanates from the New York Herald. Except that Mr. Myers was not the Chief Engineer of the Aqueduct — that none of his assistants did resign — that Captain Meigs is not a corresponding clerk — that no companies existed<