Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 22, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) or search for Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) in all documents.

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ng in favor of hanging him on the spot. The officers, however, by much persuasion, succeeded in getting him in the Colonel's quarters. He was afterwards removed to the jail, where he had an examination on Sunday. George Cop way is in Washington, and, it is said, has tendered to the President a company of the Indians of Michigan. He has made a selection of one hundred tall, fleet Indians, whom he proposes to use as scouts and runners for the army, and to occupy the advanced posts from Cairo to Eastern Virginia. They are not to be armed, except so far as is necessary for self-defence, but from their fleetness and knowledge of forest life are to be employed as messengers and auxiliaries to the army on the outposts. A detachment of the 71st Regiment, returned from a cruise down the Potomac, report that a heavy battery has been erected by the Virginians at Acquia Creek. As they passed down the battery was masked by trees, but on their return it was exposed to view. Measures
er Suwannee, and he was about arming the yacht Wanderer to be sent into the Guilt. under a Lieutenant of the U. S. Navy. The city of Key West still remains loyal, and all seditions persons were to be removed from the Island. Major French had appointed a Magistrate, who superseded the Mayor, Justices, etc. The report that the schooner W. C. Atwater had been seized by the rebels at Cedar Keys and sent to Apalachicola, where Capt. Allen was hung by a mob, proves to be unfounded. Cairo,May 20.--The steamer Fred Lawrence, with a large freight of provisions from St. Louis for Padncah, Ky., has been detained here for an answer from the Department at Washington whether the blockade here shall not be made complete by stopping all supplies of provisions nominally consigned to parties in Kentucky. New York,May 20.--The steamer De Soto, from Havana, passed on the 17th the frigate Niagara and the gunboat Huntsville, cruising on the Gulf stream for privateers. They had capture