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United States (United States) | 50 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: May 24, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.
Found 5 total hits in 3 results.
Frederick (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 3
Winchester, May 20,
It has been announced in the papers that Frederick county was represented in the Wheeling Convention.
To prevent a misunderstanding, and to show in what way that Convention was formed, I will tell you how the delegates from this county were appointed, or, rather, how they were not appointed: One of the delegates, a drunken loafer, after receiving a severe castigation upon the street, and sundry threats that a much worse punishment awaited him in the future, suddenly found the atmosphere of this neighborhood injurious to his health, and left for parts unknown.
He turns up next as a delegate from Frederick in that "very respectable" body.--The other delegate was less authorized even than Mr. Senseney, for his insignificance was too great to be threatened, and he was not sent from the county as the champion of the boot and cane party, as was the first gentleman.
The first intimation our people had of the honor conferred upon them, was the announcement of
Senseney (search for this): article 3
May 20th (search for this): article 3
Winchester, May 20,
It has been announced in the papers that Frederick county was represented in the Wheeling Convention.
To prevent a misunderstanding, and to show in what way that Convention was formed, I will tell you how the delegates from this county were appointed, or, rather, how they were not appointed: One of the delegates, a drunken loafer, after receiving a severe castigation upon the street, and sundry threats that a much worse punishment awaited him in the future, suddenly found the atmosphere of this neighborhood injurious to his health, and left for parts unknown.
He turns up next as a delegate from Frederick in that "very respectable" body.--The other delegate was less authorized even than Mr. Senseney, for his insignificance was too great to be threatened, and he was not sent from the county as the champion of the boot and cane party, as was the first gentleman.
The first intimation our people had of the honor conferred upon them, was the announcement o