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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 29, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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Jefferson Davis (search for this): article 6
nies, each composed of not less than sixty men. Of this body of men there were nine German companies, five Irish companies, two French companies, and one Italian company. Every day the military force is strengthened by the accession of new military companies.--Daily some of our companies are leaving for Virginia, to offer their services for twelve months. We have a flag six yards long, in the centre of which is the map of Maryland, bordered by the seven stars. On the flag-staff is a small stripe with the words "Jeff. Davis, President of the Confederacy." On both ends of the stripe is a single star, which signifies that the State will soon follow. All the emblazonment on the flag is in gold. The flag was presented by the ladies of Baltimore. Hicks' Union party in this State is not strong enough to oppose the Southern Confederacy men, and should a fight take place between them, they will find it out. The Union party is now having the free negroes drilled in military tactics.
Abraham Lincoln (search for this): article 6
es received in your city, that such was the case, but he is mistaken, as the greater part of the dispatches are false. The Union flag is flying over the Court House, but we all think it will not remain long there. Our papers state that Lincoln will have our city set on fire, but we are not afraid, as we are watching day and night, and it will cost the lives of Lincoln's men when they attempt it, even when backed by the Black Republicans of New York. Every one will do what you wrote iLincoln's men when they attempt it, even when backed by the Black Republicans of New York. Every one will do what you wrote in your letter, to "fight as long as there is a drop of blood left in your body." On the 26th instant there was a large military meeting held, when we saw how many military companies would go with the South. There were seventeen companies, each composed of not less than sixty men. Of this body of men there were nine German companies, five Irish companies, two French companies, and one Italian company. Every day the military force is strengthened by the accession of new military companies.
ispatches are false. The Union flag is flying over the Court House, but we all think it will not remain long there. Our papers state that Lincoln will have our city set on fire, but we are not afraid, as we are watching day and night, and it will cost the lives of Lincoln's men when they attempt it, even when backed by the Black Republicans of New York. Every one will do what you wrote in your letter, to "fight as long as there is a drop of blood left in your body." On the 26th instant there was a large military meeting held, when we saw how many military companies would go with the South. There were seventeen companies, each composed of not less than sixty men. Of this body of men there were nine German companies, five Irish companies, two French companies, and one Italian company. Every day the military force is strengthened by the accession of new military companies.--Daily some of our companies are leaving for Virginia, to offer their services for twelve months. W
nies, each composed of not less than sixty men. Of this body of men there were nine German companies, five Irish companies, two French companies, and one Italian company. Every day the military force is strengthened by the accession of new military companies.--Daily some of our companies are leaving for Virginia, to offer their services for twelve months. We have a flag six yards long, in the centre of which is the map of Maryland, bordered by the seven stars. On the flag-staff is a small stripe with the words "Jeff. Davis, President of the Confederacy." On both ends of the stripe is a single star, which signifies that the State will soon follow. All the emblazonment on the flag is in gold. The flag was presented by the ladies of Baltimore. Hicks' Union party in this State is not strong enough to oppose the Southern Confederacy men, and should a fight take place between them, they will find it out. The Union party is now having the free negroes drilled in military tactics.
Josiah French (search for this): article 6
The position of the Germans. --The following translation of a letter from a German citizen in Baltimore to a friend in Mobile, Ala., we find in the Mobile Tribune: We received your long letter of the 19th inst, and we read your measure at 5 feet 10½ inches, with every inch full of secession. So is every one of our countrymen here, as also the Irish, French, and Italians. In your letter, you state that a speaker in Mobile stated that "if Maryland would not go out of the Union, let her remain, as we could do without her." I believe you did not like to hear such words, for, if that gentleman knew as much as we do here, he would not have said so. No doubt, he has thought, from the telegraphic dispatches received in your city, that such was the case, but he is mistaken, as the greater part of the dispatches are false. The Union flag is flying over the Court House, but we all think it will not remain long there. Our papers state that Lincoln will have our city set on
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 6
he 19th inst, and we read your measure at 5 feet 10½ inches, with every inch full of secession. So is every one of our countrymen here, as also the Irish, French, and Italians. In your letter, you state that a speaker in Mobile stated that "if Maryland would not go out of the Union, let her remain, as we could do without her." I believe you did not like to hear such words, for, if that gentleman knew as much as we do here, he would not have said so. No doubt, he has thought, from the telegraph the military force is strengthened by the accession of new military companies.--Daily some of our companies are leaving for Virginia, to offer their services for twelve months. We have a flag six yards long, in the centre of which is the map of Maryland, bordered by the seven stars. On the flag-staff is a small stripe with the words "Jeff. Davis, President of the Confederacy." On both ends of the stripe is a single star, which signifies that the State will soon follow. All the emblazonment on
Mobile, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 6
The position of the Germans. --The following translation of a letter from a German citizen in Baltimore to a friend in Mobile, Ala., we find in the Mobile Tribune: We received your long letter of the 19th inst, and we read your measure at 5 feet 10½ inches, with every inch full of secession. So is every one of our countrymen here, as also the Irish, French, and Italians. In your letter, you state that a speaker in Mobile stated that "if Maryland would not go out of the Union, let her remain, as we could do without her." I believe you did not like to hear such words, for, if that gentleman knew as much as we do here, he would not have said so. No doubt, he has thought, from the telegraphic dispatches received in your city, that such was the case, but he is mistaken, as the greater part of the dispatches are false. The Union flag is flying over the Court House, but we all think it will not remain long there. Our papers state that Lincoln will have our city set on
How the Southerners Treat prisoners of war. --As much has been published in the Northern papers relative to the treatment received by the crew of the Star of the West, which is calculated to give a wrong impression, we copy the following statement from one of the crew to the New York Daily News: The account recently published in the papers of the capture of the Star of the West was correct, with the exception of the name of the Captain — the true name is Captain Hawes. We were taken to Galveston, Texas; from there to New Orleans, and here thirty-six men of the crew were taken off at Algiers, and carried on a ferry boat to New Orleans; thence by railroad to Lake Ponchartrain; thence by first class steamboat Southern Republic to Montgomery, Ala. On both of these steamers we were not treated as prisoners of war, but as passengers — the officers receiving state-rooms and the crew were treated as when on board of their own ship. On board the Southern Republic, a Southern
ce of the money appropriated, which was abundantly sufficient to take us to our respective homes. During the whole time we met with no injury whatever, but were kindly treated in every way, shape and manner. At Mobile, we were asked by the Captain whether any of us wished to join the Southern Navy, in which case they would be sent to New Orleans free, which offer none of us accepted, but departed for home in peace. One of the two negroes belonging to our crew, and whose name is Waiter Murray, confessed to his being a runaway slave and belonging to a man in Baltimore. They were both detained at Montgomery, but I have no further knowledge of them. I would also state that we were under no military escort from the time we left Lake Ponchartrain until we departed from Mobile for home. The very kind treatment of Capt. Meers on his boat to and from Montgomery, will or ought never to be forgotten by our crew, he having shown himself not only a good man, but a gentleman, in every
riated, which was abundantly sufficient to take us to our respective homes. During the whole time we met with no injury whatever, but were kindly treated in every way, shape and manner. At Mobile, we were asked by the Captain whether any of us wished to join the Southern Navy, in which case they would be sent to New Orleans free, which offer none of us accepted, but departed for home in peace. One of the two negroes belonging to our crew, and whose name is Waiter Murray, confessed to his being a runaway slave and belonging to a man in Baltimore. They were both detained at Montgomery, but I have no further knowledge of them. I would also state that we were under no military escort from the time we left Lake Ponchartrain until we departed from Mobile for home. The very kind treatment of Capt. Meers on his boat to and from Montgomery, will or ought never to be forgotten by our crew, he having shown himself not only a good man, but a gentleman, in every sense of the word.
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