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United States (United States) | 54 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) | 14 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.
Found 8 total hits in 4 results.
Albany (New York, United States) (search for this): article 11
"What are we fighting For?"
--A correspondent of the Albany (N. Y.) Argus discusses this much mooted question.
He says:
"Let Massachusetts, the State that has done more than any other to bring about the present emergency, ask herself the question, whether, in sending her thousands of men, and donating her millions, she is secretly carrying out the past and present teachings of her Sumners, Wilsons, Phillipses, Garrisons and Bankses, or whether she has abandoned the purposes of her life, realizing the folly of the course she has pursued in her abolition crusade upon the South she has for once this one motive in view, the Union, the Constitution, and the protection of the law. Would to God that we could believe that this is her only purpose.
If the North be actuated by motives other than these, it will require no prophetic eye to see that a day of reckoning is in store for her. Were it known to-day that it is the purpose of the present Administration — as has been avowed by
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 11
"What are we fighting For?"
--A correspondent of the Albany (N. Y.) Argus discusses this much mooted question.
He says:
"Let Massachusetts, the State that has done more than any other to bring about the present emergency, ask herself the question, whether, in sending her thousands of men, and donating her millions, she is secretly carrying out the past and present teachings of her Sumners, Wilsons, Phillipses, Garrisons and Bankses, or whether she has abandoned the purposes of her life, realizing the folly of the course she has pursued in her abolition crusade upon the South she has for once this one motive in view, the Union, the Constitution, and the protection of the law. Would to God that we could believe that this is her only purpose.
If the North be actuated by motives other than these, it will require no prophetic eye to see that a day of reckoning is in store for her. Were it known to-day that it is the purpose of the present Administration — as has been avowed b
Sumners (search for this): article 11
"What are we fighting For?"
--A correspondent of the Albany (N. Y.) Argus discusses this much mooted question.
He says:
"Let Massachusetts, the State that has done more than any other to bring about the present emergency, ask herself the question, whether, in sending her thousands of men, and donating her millions, she is secretly carrying out the past and present teachings of her Sumners, Wilsons, Phillipses, Garrisons and Bankses, or whether she has abandoned the purposes of her life, realizing the folly of the course she has pursued in her abolition crusade upon the South she has for once this one motive in view, the Union, the Constitution, and the protection of the law. Would to God that we could believe that this is her only purpose.
If the North be actuated by motives other than these, it will require no prophetic eye to see that a day of reckoning is in store for her. Were it known to-day that it is the purpose of the present Administration — as has been avowed b
Norfolk Argus (search for this): article 11
"What are we fighting For?"
--A correspondent of the Albany (N. Y.) Argus discusses this much mooted question.
He says:
"Let Massachusetts, the State that has done more than any other to bring about the present emergency, ask herself the question, whether, in sending her thousands of men, and donating her millions, she is secretly carrying out the past and present teachings of her Sumners, Wilsons, Phillipses, Garrisons and Bankses, or whether she has abandoned the purposes of her life, realizing the folly of the course she has pursued in her abolition crusade upon the South she has for once this one motive in view, the Union, the Constitution, and the protection of the law. Would to God that we could believe that this is her only purpose.
If the North be actuated by motives other than these, it will require no prophetic eye to see that a day of reckoning is in store for her. Were it known to-day that it is the purpose of the present Administration — as has been avowed b