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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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France (France) (search for this): article 12
e Madness of the Administration. --Under this caption the Baltimore Republican says: The vindictive madness and malignity of the Administration can find no parallel in all past history. This blood-thirsty set would utterly destroy the country and surrender up its dearest rights to foreign nations for the sake of subjugating the South. That miserable hypocrite, Seward, who pretended to be so conservative and peacefully disposed, is trying hard to buy the countenance of England and France, by surrendering to them the right of privateering — the only maritime defence of the country in times of war. This proposal shows the fiendish spirit which animates the Administration, and how supremely ridiculous it is to hope for any peaceful measures from such a source. The country must prepare for a bloody and protracted war — a most bitter and desolating strife — if the tyrants and madmen at Washington are not promptly checked by the indignant voice of an outraged people. The Sou<
The Madness of the Administration. --Under this caption the Baltimore Republican says: The vindictive madness and malignity of the Administration can find no parallel in all past history. This blood-thirsty set would utterly destroy the country and surrender up its dearest rights to foreign nations for the sake of subjugating the South. That miserable hypocrite, Seward, who pretended to be so conservative and peacefully disposed, is trying hard to buy the countenance of England and France, by surrendering to them the right of privateering — the only maritime defence of the country in times of war. This proposal shows the fiendish spirit which animates the Administration, and how supremely ridiculous it is to hope for any peaceful measures from such a source. The country must prepare for a bloody and protracted war — a most bitter and desolating strife — if the tyrants and madmen at Washington are not promptly checked by the indignant voice of an outraged people. The<