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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for S. A. Douglas or search for S. A. Douglas in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], The last hours of Hon. S. A. Douglas . (search)
The last hours of Hon. S. A. Douglas.
--The Chicago Journal, of the 3d instant, in recording the decease of Judge Douglas, thus refers to his condition during the closing hours of his existence.
For a week past the lamented deceased has been only semi-conscious.
Though recognizing his friends he has been unable to locate them, and his mind gave out confused fragments of the great thoughts with which his giant intellect was want to grapple.
The last week was an anxious one of hopes and fears, and as we went to press on Saturday evening, more favorable symptoms inspired the belief in his friends that he had passed the crisis, and that he would again be spared in this hour when his country so much needed his strong arm and his experienced counsels.
His physicians, men of experience and skill, used every resource of their profession to take advantage of these favorable symptoms, but in vain.
At twelve o'clock, last night, he failed to recognize his most intimate friend,