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Southern bravery and prowess. We commence one narration with accounts from the Baltimore papers of June 12th, which are, indeed, more nearly accurate than any that follow; although the "Associated Press" narrative, revised by Gen. Butler, is a weak attempt to gloss over a disastrous event: [From the Baltimore Sun, June 12th.] Old Point, June 10, 1861.--At a late hour on Sunday night Gen. Pierce, left with about five thousand men, a part of which consisted of a German regiment (Col. Benedict) from New York, and one of the Albany regiments, (Col. Townsend.) and the Zouave Regiment, Col. Duryea. The column was divided, and before reaching the Great Bethel bridge they met, and mistaking each other for the enemy, began a fight. The Albany regiment soon gave way and ran. Two were killed and nine wounded.--The mistake was then discovered, and the entire column was reformed and marched towards the bridge, where it was said some four hundred of the Confederate forces were lodg