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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: December 13, 1860., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 7 total hits in 2 results.

Naperville (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 4
End of the Burch divorce case --The trial of the suit of Mr. Burch, of Chicago, against his wife, for divorce, was concluded Monday, at Naperville, Illinois. The jury rendered a verdict for Mrs. Burch, the defendant. A dispatch from Chicago says: The jury was out an hour and a half, and returned with a verdict in favor of Mrs. Burch. The verdict was received with demonstrations of enthusiasm, which spread rapidly through the village. Counsel for the defence made a motion for the custody of the children and alimony. The Court then adjourned. The trial lasted nineteen days. The news reached here at seven o'clock, and was received with great rejoicing by the friends of Mrs. Burch. One hundred rockets were fired from the roof of the Tremont House.
End of the Burch divorce case --The trial of the suit of Mr. Burch, of Chicago, against his wife, for divorce, was concluded Monday, at Naperville, Illinois. The jury rendered a verdict for Mrs. Burch, the defendant. A dispatch from Chicago Mrs. Burch, the defendant. A dispatch from Chicago says: The jury was out an hour and a half, and returned with a verdict in favor of Mrs. Burch. The verdict was received with demonstrations of enthusiasm, which spread rapidly through the village. Counsel for the defence made a motion for theMrs. Burch. The verdict was received with demonstrations of enthusiasm, which spread rapidly through the village. Counsel for the defence made a motion for the custody of the children and alimony. The Court then adjourned. The trial lasted nineteen days. The news reached here at seven o'clock, and was received with great rejoicing by the friends of Mrs. Burch. One hundred rockets were fired from the roofand alimony. The Court then adjourned. The trial lasted nineteen days. The news reached here at seven o'clock, and was received with great rejoicing by the friends of Mrs. Burch. One hundred rockets were fired from the roof of the Tremont House.