Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 24, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Peyton Johnston or search for Peyton Johnston in all documents.

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Capt. Dimmock, late Secretary and Treasurer, made his annual report, which had been carefully examined by a select committee and found to be correct. Mr. Peyton Johnston offered a resolution, which was rejected by a large majority, instructing the Secretary to publish in one or more of the city papers the proceedings of the Executive Committee. Mr. Johnston offered a resolution inquiring what amount of the premiums awarded at the late Fair had been paid, and why other premiums now due had not been paid. Mr. Lyons stated that all the premiums, except in one or two classes, where misunderstandings had occurred, had been settled; and that thoseferred to the Committee on By-Laws, requiring the appointment of a Standing Committee of three, to examine and report upon the account of the Treasurer. Mr. P. Johnston offered a resolution, which was referred to the Committee on By-Laws, providing for holding the annual meeting of the Society on some evening during the progr