Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 1, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Christopher T. Brown or search for Christopher T. Brown in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: January 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], Shocking tragedy--murder and Suicide. (search)
. James City. James H. Allen Norfolk. Dr. J. J. Simpkins. Louisa. John Hunter Accomac. Dr. P. F. Brown. Wm. H. B. Custis. Geo. W. Medge, King William. Ambrose White, Dr. L. Edwards. Albemarle. Elder Jas. W. Goff, Elder R. L. Coleman, Caroline. George Fitzhugh, Dr. C. Urquhart, Hon. D. C. Dejarnette, Henry George, Philip Samuel, King and Queen. William Boulware, Elder Ro. Y. Henley, E. S. Acre, Lawrence Muse Essex. Elder P. Ainsley. Edward M Ware, Munroe Garnett, Richard Baylor. Spotsylvania, Elder F. Frayzer, Thomas Anderson. Fredericksburg. James Gray, J. D. Brown, A. N. Bernard. Fauquier. Enos Hord, Wm. H. Gaines, M. N. Walton, Petersburg. Dr. John Du Vall, C. F. Baylor, J. Dennis Portsmouth. C. C. Robinson, Wm. H. Morris. Matthews. Christopher T. Brown, Orange. D. M. Bernard. Ro. B. Lyne, Office in Basement Metropolitan Hall. Franklin street, Richmond, Va. de 18--d1m