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Montgomery (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 1
ays been enforced by the Courts on an appeal being taken. He invites judicial scrutiny into State legislation — and is willing to abide the result. But he is unwilling that his State should be humiliated by a compliance in threats and of violence and war. He recommends the State Legislature to manifest its loyalty to Michigan, and proffer the President the use of the whole military power of the State to sustain the integrity of the Union. More Executions in Alabama. The Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, of the 30th ult., says: Two negroes, and a white man named Williamson, were hung at Autaugaville on Wednesday of last week. Also, at the same place, on the following Saturday, another negro was sent to that "bourne from whence," &c. All these unfortunate human beings were connected with the recent insurrectionary plot discovered in that county, and the evidence being strong against them, their lives have had to pay the forfeit. Those who belong to the vigilance comm
Michigan (Michigan, United States) (search for this): article 1
heir hands ready to fire upon the steamboat, if it molested the boats. The boats were sent back. The remainder of the command embarked and reached Sumter in safely, though one boat passed almost under the bow of the Nina. The Governor of Michigan Advocating coercion. Detroit, Jan. 4 --Gov. Blair, in his inaugural address, says in reference to South Carolina, that he presumes, if it could be done properly, the country generally would be willing to let the restless little nation ofcrutiny into State legislation — and is willing to abide the result. But he is unwilling that his State should be humiliated by a compliance in threats and of violence and war. He recommends the State Legislature to manifest its loyalty to Michigan, and proffer the President the use of the whole military power of the State to sustain the integrity of the Union. More Executions in Alabama. The Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, of the 30th ult., says: Two negroes, and a white man
Governors Island (New York, United States) (search for this): article 1
fortresses at Key West and Tortugas, on the southern point of Florida, are among the most powerful in the world, and every vessel that crosses the Gulf passes within sight of both. Military and Naval forces ready for orders. Now that rumor is so busy with the alleged movements southward of United States troops and naval vessels, it may not be out of place to give a statement of the forces likely to be ordered for hostile service in South Carolina. If soldiers be required, Governor's Island, N. Y., Carlisle, Pa., and the Navy-Yards will be the first places from which reinforcements may be taken. The 800 troops stationed at Fort Monroe, Fayetteville, N. C., Augusta, Key West, Banancos and Baton Rouge, would not be removed. The available men, then, for military duty are nearly as follows: Men. Governor's Island250 Carlisle200 Brooklyn Navy Yard,40 Philadelphia Navy-Yard30 Boston Navy-Yard.40 Portsmouth (N. H.) Navy-Yard20 Total580 West Point, Fort Hamilt
Monongalia (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
The National crisis. Commander Stewart on secession — taking of the Georgia forts — views of the Governor of Missouri--Daylight Breaking — the Evacuation of Fort Moultrie--Meetings in Virginia — fortifications of the Southern States, &c., &c. Commander Charles Stewart, U. S. N, of the Philadelphia Navy-Yard, has written a letter against secession, and in favor of the North repealing her Liberty bills. Hon. Waitman T. Willey, of Monongalia county, candidate of the Opposition party in Virginia for Lieutenant Governor in 1859, has written a letter opposing disunion. He alludes to the position of Western Virginia in that event, and adds: "I am for Virginia as she is and was, as our fathers exhaled her--one and indivisible. I have deprecated recent manifestations of a desire for her dismemberment. Let her be integrate forever. But if we are to be dragged into secession or disunion, because a mere outside appendage of a Southern Confederacy, defenseless a
Cape Fear (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
Dixon's line, showing the position, cost and strength of each: where Located.Cost.MenGuns Fort McHenry, Baltimore$146,00035074 Fort Carroll, Baltimore.135,000800159 Fort Delaware, Delaware river, Del.539,000750151 Fort Madison, Annapolis, Md.15,00015031 Fort Severna, Maryland6,0006014 Fort Washington, Potomac river575,00040088 Fort Monroe, Old Point Comfort2,400,0002,450371 Fort Calhoun, Hamp'n R'ds, Norfolk1,664,0001,120224 Fort Macon, Beaufort. N. C.460,00030061 Fort Johnson, Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C.5,0006010 Fort Caswell, Oak Island, N. C.571,00040081 Fort Sumter, Charleston, S C677,000650146 castle Pinckney, Charleston, S C44,00010025 Fort Moultrie, Charleston, S C75,00030054 Fort Pulaski, Savannah, Ga923,000800150 Fort Jackson, Savannah, Ga80,0007014 Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Fla.51,00010025 Fort Taylor, Key West 1,000185 Fort Jefferson, Tortugas 1,500298 Fort Barrancas. Pensacola315,00025049 Bedoupt, Pensacola69,00026 Fort Pickens Pensacola759,0001
Oak Island, North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
each: where Located.Cost.MenGuns Fort McHenry, Baltimore$146,00035074 Fort Carroll, Baltimore.135,000800159 Fort Delaware, Delaware river, Del.539,000750151 Fort Madison, Annapolis, Md.15,00015031 Fort Severna, Maryland6,0006014 Fort Washington, Potomac river575,00040088 Fort Monroe, Old Point Comfort2,400,0002,450371 Fort Calhoun, Hamp'n R'ds, Norfolk1,664,0001,120224 Fort Macon, Beaufort. N. C.460,00030061 Fort Johnson, Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C.5,0006010 Fort Caswell, Oak Island, N. C.571,00040081 Fort Sumter, Charleston, S C677,000650146 castle Pinckney, Charleston, S C44,00010025 Fort Moultrie, Charleston, S C75,00030054 Fort Pulaski, Savannah, Ga923,000800150 Fort Jackson, Savannah, Ga80,0007014 Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Fla.51,00010025 Fort Taylor, Key West 1,000185 Fort Jefferson, Tortugas 1,500298 Fort Barrancas. Pensacola315,00025049 Bedoupt, Pensacola69,00026 Fort Pickens Pensacola759,0001,260212 Fort McRae, Pensacola384,000650151 Fort Morgan,
Fort Marion (Florida, United States) (search for this): article 1
ort Washington, Potomac river575,00040088 Fort Monroe, Old Point Comfort2,400,0002,450371 Fort Calhoun, Hamp'n R'ds, Norfolk1,664,0001,120224 Fort Macon, Beaufort. N. C.460,00030061 Fort Johnson, Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C.5,0006010 Fort Caswell, Oak Island, N. C.571,00040081 Fort Sumter, Charleston, S C677,000650146 castle Pinckney, Charleston, S C44,00010025 Fort Moultrie, Charleston, S C75,00030054 Fort Pulaski, Savannah, Ga923,000800150 Fort Jackson, Savannah, Ga80,0007014 Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Fla.51,00010025 Fort Taylor, Key West 1,000185 Fort Jefferson, Tortugas 1,500298 Fort Barrancas. Pensacola315,00025049 Bedoupt, Pensacola69,00026 Fort Pickens Pensacola759,0001,260212 Fort McRae, Pensacola384,000650151 Fort Morgan, Mobile1,212,000700132 Fort St. Philip, Mouth Missippi river143,000600124 Fort Jackson, Mouth Missippi river817,000600150 Fort Pike, Rigolets, La.472,00030049 Fort Macomb, Chef Mentour, La447,00030049 Fort Livingston, Barrataria Bay,
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 1
after, ask any law abolishing, prohibiting. or in any manner interfering with African slavery; and when any Territory, containing sufficient population for one member of Congress in any area of 60 000 square miles shall apply for admission as a State, it shall be admitted with or without slavery as, its Constitution may determine. The Committee represented at its meeting Maryland, Virginia, Missouri, North Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Delaware, Arkansas, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. This report was agreed to under circumstances leading to the hope that it will be accepted by overwhelming majorities of all the parties into which Congress is divided. More Seizures of forts. The progress of the disintegration of the Union by the movements in the Southern States is both steady and rapid. The United States forts and arsenals are being taken possession of by State troops in most of the States, which thus anticipate the period of their own sec
Fort Macon (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
le of Navy-yards and principal forts South of Mason and Dixon's line, showing the position, cost and strength of each: where Located.Cost.MenGuns Fort McHenry, Baltimore$146,00035074 Fort Carroll, Baltimore.135,000800159 Fort Delaware, Delaware river, Del.539,000750151 Fort Madison, Annapolis, Md.15,00015031 Fort Severna, Maryland6,0006014 Fort Washington, Potomac river575,00040088 Fort Monroe, Old Point Comfort2,400,0002,450371 Fort Calhoun, Hamp'n R'ds, Norfolk1,664,0001,120224 Fort Macon, Beaufort. N. C.460,00030061 Fort Johnson, Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C.5,0006010 Fort Caswell, Oak Island, N. C.571,00040081 Fort Sumter, Charleston, S C677,000650146 castle Pinckney, Charleston, S C44,00010025 Fort Moultrie, Charleston, S C75,00030054 Fort Pulaski, Savannah, Ga923,000800150 Fort Jackson, Savannah, Ga80,0007014 Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Fla.51,00010025 Fort Taylor, Key West 1,000185 Fort Jefferson, Tortugas 1,500298 Fort Barrancas. Pensacola315,00025049 Bedo
West Point (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 1
ired, Governor's Island, N. Y., Carlisle, Pa., and the Navy-Yards will be the first places from which reinforcements may be taken. The 800 troops stationed at Fort Monroe, Fayetteville, N. C., Augusta, Key West, Banancos and Baton Rouge, would not be removed. The available men, then, for military duty are nearly as follows: Men. Governor's Island250 Carlisle200 Brooklyn Navy Yard,40 Philadelphia Navy-Yard30 Boston Navy-Yard.40 Portsmouth (N. H.) Navy-Yard20 Total580 West Point, Fort Hamilton, Fort Adams and Fort Independence could also spare some men, but the above list includes only those who might be sent away at once, without seriously interfering with the routine duty of the Northern stations. Relative to the navy, very erroneous impressions prevailed as to what vessels would first be called on. The Brooklyn, Macedonian, and Dolphin, regular men-of-war, are, to be sure, in commission, and manned, but only the latter, we believe, could enter Charleston,
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