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Bellot Des Minieres (search for this): article 3
James River and Kanawha Company. Gov. Letcher, in his Message, recommends to the favorable attention of the Legislature the contract entered into by the James River and Kanawha Company with Monsieur Bellot Des Minieres, Brothers & Co., for the sale of the canal. Assurances which the Governor has received induce the confident belief in his mind that M. De Minieres, who is expected here in a short time, will come prepared to execute the contract on his part. It is a significant fact that, of the fifty-four pamphlet pages of the Executive Message, only one is occupied by this subject, which led originally to the call for an extra session of the Legislature, so rapid and overshadowing has been the march since then of events which involve the vital interests of the Republic.
James River and Kanawha Company. Gov. Letcher, in his Message, recommends to the favorable attention of the Legislature the contract entered into by the James River and Kanawha Company with Monsieur Bellot Des Minieres, Brothers & Co., for the sale of the canal. Assurances which the Governor has received induce the confident belief in his mind that M. De Minieres, who is expected here in a short time, will come prepared to execute the contract on his part. It is a significant fact that, of the fifty-four pamphlet pages of the Executive Message, only one is occupied by this subject, which led originally to the call for an extra session of the Legislature, so rapid and overshadowing has been the march since then of events which involve the vital interests of the Republic.
John Letcher (search for this): article 3
James River and Kanawha Company. Gov. Letcher, in his Message, recommends to the favorable attention of the Legislature the contract entered into by the James River and Kanawha Company with Monsieur Bellot Des Minieres, Brothers & Co., for the sale of the canal. Assurances which the Governor has received induce the confident belief in his mind that M. De Minieres, who is expected here in a short time, will come prepared to execute the contract on his part. It is a significant fact that, of the fifty-four pamphlet pages of the Executive Message, only one is occupied by this subject, which led originally to the call for an extra session of the Legislature, so rapid and overshadowing has been the march since then of events which involve the vital interests of the Republic.