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Extraordinary Fortitude, Resulting in death. --Mr. Mease, of Hutton Kudby, England, had his arm dreadfully mangled by the machinery in his own mill, on the 3d ult. Allowing no one to go home to tell his wife of the accident, he calmly concealed his arm and walked home himself, afraid the shock to his partner would be as serious as the accident to himself. He walked into the house in his usual calm manner, took down a book, and commenced reading it for a minute or two, and then gradually ll his wife of the accident, he calmly concealed his arm and walked home himself, afraid the shock to his partner would be as serious as the accident to himself. He walked into the house in his usual calm manner, took down a book, and commenced reading it for a minute or two, and then gradually broke the matter to his wife.--By-and-by surgical assistance was procured, and Mr. Mease bore up with his pain until the operation was performed, when he fell into a deep swoon and soon after expired.
Extraordinary Fortitude, Resulting in death. --Mr. Mease, of Hutton Kudby, England, had his arm dreadfully mangled by the machinery in his own mill, on the 3d ult. Allowing no one to go home to tell his wife of the accident, he calmly concealed his arm and walked home himself, afraid the shock to his partner would be as serious as the accident to himself. He walked into the house in his usual calm manner, took down a book, and commenced reading it for a minute or two, and then gradually broke the matter to his wife.--By-and-by surgical assistance was procured, and Mr. Mease bore up with his pain until the operation was performed, when he fell into a deep swoon and soon after expired.