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Alexandria (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
are expected here immediately. A special Government messenger has just arrived from Pensacola. There seems to be no doubt that U. S. troops have been landed from the U. S. sloop-of-war Brooklyn, at Fort Pickens. The War Department officially announces the establishment of a new military department called the "Department of Washington." It consists of the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia, according to the latter's original boundary, and therefore includes the Potomac river and Virginia shore. Col. C. F. Smith is assigned to the command with his headquarters at Washington. Capt. Talbot, Assistant Adjutant General, is relieved from the orders assigning him duty in Oregon and has reported at these headquarters according to orders. Major Beall, Paymaster in the Army, resigned to-day. The clerks of the State Department have been formed into a guard for the protection of the building. Those of the Treasury Department have received orders immedia
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
the Harper's Ferry armory has, by order of the Convention, hauled down the stars and stripes, and hoisted instead the Virginia State flag, and also caused the rails of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to be torn up on both sides leading out of Harper's Ferry; and, further still, that the Virginia Convention have directed military efforts to take possession of this Capital, to be made as soon as possible; to which end three special trains are said to have left Alexandria for Richmond last night. nded to carry secession troops back over the Orange and Alexandria Railroad to the Manassas Road, and up that to its present Northern terminus, from whence to be marched over to Winchester, and there to take the Winchester Railroad direct for Harper's Ferry — to seize the Armory, some time to-day. Washington, April 18.--Messrs. Carlisle and Dent, delegates to the Virginia Convention, arrived here this morning. They are of the strongest Union sentiments. Their presence here at this time oc
Fort Pickens (Florida, United States) (search for this): article 6
heir services for the defence of the seat of Government. Lieut. Gwathmey, of Virginia, was yesterday stricken from the roll of the navy. Lieuts. W. L. Bradford and Fitzgerald have resigned. The Massachusetts and Rhode Island troops, and the Seventh Regiment of New York, are expected here immediately. A special Government messenger has just arrived from Pensacola. There seems to be no doubt that U. S. troops have been landed from the U. S. sloop-of-war Brooklyn, at Fort Pickens. The War Department officially announces the establishment of a new military department called the "Department of Washington." It consists of the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia, according to the latter's original boundary, and therefore includes the Potomac river and Virginia shore. Col. C. F. Smith is assigned to the command with his headquarters at Washington. Capt. Talbot, Assistant Adjutant General, is relieved from the orders assigning him duty in Oregon an
Rhode Island (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): article 6
e remarked that "he left Richmond a sad man." It is the intention of the War Department to muster companies enough in this District to yield a force approaching 3,000 men. The soldiers of the war of 1812 are about adopting a military organization, and offering their services for the defence of the seat of Government. Lieut. Gwathmey, of Virginia, was yesterday stricken from the roll of the navy. Lieuts. W. L. Bradford and Fitzgerald have resigned. The Massachusetts and Rhode Island troops, and the Seventh Regiment of New York, are expected here immediately. A special Government messenger has just arrived from Pensacola. There seems to be no doubt that U. S. troops have been landed from the U. S. sloop-of-war Brooklyn, at Fort Pickens. The War Department officially announces the establishment of a new military department called the "Department of Washington." It consists of the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia, according to the latter's o
Oregon (Oregon, United States) (search for this): article 6
Fort Pickens. The War Department officially announces the establishment of a new military department called the "Department of Washington." It consists of the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia, according to the latter's original boundary, and therefore includes the Potomac river and Virginia shore. Col. C. F. Smith is assigned to the command with his headquarters at Washington. Capt. Talbot, Assistant Adjutant General, is relieved from the orders assigning him duty in Oregon and has reported at these headquarters according to orders. Major Beall, Paymaster in the Army, resigned to-day. The clerks of the State Department have been formed into a guard for the protection of the building. Those of the Treasury Department have received orders immediately to repair to the Department on the first invasion or alarm. The clerks of the other Departments are directed to be similarly watchful. Additional military forces have been placed in all the public bu
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 6
king force that may venture to assail it. It is thought that if an attempt to attack it be made, the assailants will try to cross the Potomac some twenty or thirty miles below Alexandria, where they hope to be joined by similar spirits from Maryland. P. S.--We have a special dispatch assuring us that there is no truth in the Harper's Ferry account noticed above. It reached us but a few moments ago. We have further dispatches equally as late, assuring us of the truth of the Norfolk Nav that U. S. troops have been landed from the U. S. sloop-of-war Brooklyn, at Fort Pickens. The War Department officially announces the establishment of a new military department called the "Department of Washington." It consists of the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia, according to the latter's original boundary, and therefore includes the Potomac river and Virginia shore. Col. C. F. Smith is assigned to the command with his headquarters at Washington. Capt. Talbot, Ass
Elizabeth (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
he papers of this city failed to receive their usual dispatches from Washington on Thursday night, the Federal Government having doubtless taken charge of the telegraph. We therefore copy the following from the Star, of Thursday evening: As we go to press we have to say that it is said, and confidently believed by many around us, that on the day before yesterday the Virginia. Convention passed a Secession Ordinance, and yesterday caused three vessels to be sunk at the mouth of the Elizabeth river — the entrance to the Gosport (Norfolk) navy-yard. Further: that the Superintendent of the Harper's Ferry armory has, by order of the Convention, hauled down the stars and stripes, and hoisted instead the Virginia State flag, and also caused the rails of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to be torn up on both sides leading out of Harper's Ferry; and, further still, that the Virginia Convention have directed military efforts to take possession of this Capital, to be made as soon as possib
Robert Murray (search for this): article 6
the building. Those of the Treasury Department have received orders immediately to repair to the Department on the first invasion or alarm. The clerks of the other Departments are directed to be similarly watchful. Additional military forces have been placed in all the public buildings. The rumor of an intended invasion of Washington has excited much alarm to-night.#x2014;Whatever may be the ground for such reports, it is certain the Government is expeditiously making preparations for all emergencies. The Kansas men now here, about sixty in number, have formed a company called the Frontier Guard. They have been given the post of honor in the East Room of the President's House, under the command of Major Hunter. So many houses have been offered by the citizens free of charge for the quartering of troops, that it is unnecessary to rent any more for that purpose. Robert Murray has been offered the appointment of Marshal for the Southern District of New York.
t of a new military department called the "Department of Washington." It consists of the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia, according to the latter's original boundary, and therefore includes the Potomac river and Virginia shore. Col. C. F. Smith is assigned to the command with his headquarters at Washington. Capt. Talbot, Assistant Adjutant General, is relieved from the orders assigning him duty in Oregon and has reported at these headquarters according to orders. Major Beall, Paymaster in the Army, resigned to-day. The clerks of the State Department have been formed into a guard for the protection of the building. Those of the Treasury Department have received orders immediately to repair to the Department on the first invasion or alarm. The clerks of the other Departments are directed to be similarly watchful. Additional military forces have been placed in all the public buildings. The rumor of an intended invasion of Washington has excited
Fitzgerald (search for this): article 6
urther use for them in the Convention; and Mr. Carlisle remarked that "he left Richmond a sad man." It is the intention of the War Department to muster companies enough in this District to yield a force approaching 3,000 men. The soldiers of the war of 1812 are about adopting a military organization, and offering their services for the defence of the seat of Government. Lieut. Gwathmey, of Virginia, was yesterday stricken from the roll of the navy. Lieuts. W. L. Bradford and Fitzgerald have resigned. The Massachusetts and Rhode Island troops, and the Seventh Regiment of New York, are expected here immediately. A special Government messenger has just arrived from Pensacola. There seems to be no doubt that U. S. troops have been landed from the U. S. sloop-of-war Brooklyn, at Fort Pickens. The War Department officially announces the establishment of a new military department called the "Department of Washington." It consists of the State of Maryland and
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