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Fort Moultrie (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 7
graph, together with a highly-colored statement of the valiant Doubleday, one of Anderson's officers: She had as she came up the flags of Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie flying. Maj. Anderson, on landing on the Battery, was received by an immense crowd, and his carriage was surrounded by the people, who expressed in cheers and. The command was divided into three watches, each under the direction of two officers. After breakfast, they immediately went to the guns and opened fire on Fort Moultrie, Cummings' Point, and Sullivan's Island Iron Battery.--Cummings' Point Battery was of immense strength, and most of our shot glanced off.--Major Anderson refused to allow the men to turn the guns on the parapet, on account of such a terrific fire being directed there. There was scarcely a room in Fort Moultrie left in a habitable condition, and several shots went through the Floating Battery, but it was but little damaged. Two guns on the Iron Battery were dismounted. A man was st
Cumming's Point (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 7
the rebels sent word that the fire would be opened in an hour. At 4 o'clock the fire opened on us from every direction, including a hidden battery. The fire opened with a volley from seventeen mortars firing ten inch shells, and shot from thirty-three guns, mostly columbiads. We took breakfast very leisurely. The command was divided into three watches, each under the direction of two officers. After breakfast, they immediately went to the guns and opened fire on Fort Moultrie, Cummings' Point, and Sullivan's Island Iron Battery.--Cummings' Point Battery was of immense strength, and most of our shot glanced off.--Major Anderson refused to allow the men to turn the guns on the parapet, on account of such a terrific fire being directed there. There was scarcely a room in Fort Moultrie left in a habitable condition, and several shots went through the Floating Battery, but it was but little damaged. Two guns on the Iron Battery were dismounted. A man was stationed, who cri
Sullivan's Island (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 7
that the fire would be opened in an hour. At 4 o'clock the fire opened on us from every direction, including a hidden battery. The fire opened with a volley from seventeen mortars firing ten inch shells, and shot from thirty-three guns, mostly columbiads. We took breakfast very leisurely. The command was divided into three watches, each under the direction of two officers. After breakfast, they immediately went to the guns and opened fire on Fort Moultrie, Cummings' Point, and Sullivan's Island Iron Battery.--Cummings' Point Battery was of immense strength, and most of our shot glanced off.--Major Anderson refused to allow the men to turn the guns on the parapet, on account of such a terrific fire being directed there. There was scarcely a room in Fort Moultrie left in a habitable condition, and several shots went through the Floating Battery, but it was but little damaged. Two guns on the Iron Battery were dismounted. A man was stationed, who cried shot or shell when
Broadway (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 7
o'clock. The following account of the arrival is given by telegraph, together with a highly-colored statement of the valiant Doubleday, one of Anderson's officers: She had as she came up the flags of Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie flying. Maj. Anderson, on landing on the Battery, was received by an immense crowd, and his carriage was surrounded by the people, who expressed in cheers and other demonstrations their admiration of his conduct. He was followed by an immense throng through Broadway to the Brevoort House, where he joined his wife. Capt. Doubleday says that the demand to surrender Fort Sumter was made on the 11th, but was refused not only by Major Anderson, but by the unanimous voice of the command. On Friday morning, at 3 o'clock, the rebels sent word that the fire would be opened in an hour. At 4 o'clock the fire opened on us from every direction, including a hidden battery. The fire opened with a volley from seventeen mortars firing ten inch shells, and
t our flag. The following was the conversation that passed between Major Anderson and ex-Senator Wigfall. The latter said: Gen. Beauregard wishes to stop this, sir. Maj. Anderson only replied, "Well, well." Wigfall — You've done all that can be done, and Gen. Beauregard wishes to know upon what terms you will evacuate? Maj. Anderson--Gen. Beauregard is already acquainted with the terms. Wigfall — Do I understand you will evacuate on the terms proposed? Maj. Anderson--"Yes, and only those." Wigfall then returned. Ten minutes after Col. Chesnut and Wigfall then returned. Ten minutes after Col. Chesnut and others came from General Beauregard asking if Maj. Anderson wanted any help, stating that Wigfall had not seen Gen. Beauregard for two days, and had no authority for his demand on Maj. Anderson, to wWigfall had not seen Gen. Beauregard for two days, and had no authority for his demand on Maj. Anderson, to which the Major replied, "Then we have been sold. We will raise our flag again." But they requested him to keep it down until communication could be had with General Beauregard. The firing then ceas
d in an hour. At 4 o'clock the fire opened on us from every direction, including a hidden battery. The fire opened with a volley from seventeen mortars firing ten inch shells, and shot from thirty-three guns, mostly columbiads. We took breakfast very leisurely. The command was divided into three watches, each under the direction of two officers. After breakfast, they immediately went to the guns and opened fire on Fort Moultrie, Cummings' Point, and Sullivan's Island Iron Battery.--Cummings' Point Battery was of immense strength, and most of our shot glanced off.--Major Anderson refused to allow the men to turn the guns on the parapet, on account of such a terrific fire being directed there. There was scarcely a room in Fort Moultrie left in a habitable condition, and several shots went through the Floating Battery, but it was but little damaged. Two guns on the Iron Battery were dismounted. A man was stationed, who cried shot or shell when the rebels fired, and the gar
Beauregard (search for this): article 7
sed between Major Anderson and ex-Senator Wigfall. The latter said: Gen. Beauregard wishes to stop this, sir. Maj. Anderson only replied, "Well, well." Wigfall — You've done all that can be done, and Gen. Beauregard wishes to know upon what terms you will evacuate? Maj. Anderson--Gen. Beauregard is alreadGen. Beauregard is already acquainted with the terms. Wigfall — Do I understand you will evacuate on the terms proposed? Maj. Anderson--"Yes, and only those." Wigfall then returned. Ten minutes after Col. Chesnut and others came from General Beauregard asking if Maj. Anderson wanted any help, stating that Wigfall had not seen Gen. BeauregGen. Beauregard for two days, and had no authority for his demand on Maj. Anderson, to which the Major replied, "Then we have been sold. We will raise our flag again." But they requested him to keep it down until communication could be had with General Beauregard. The firing then ceased and three hours after another deputation came, agreei
Robert Anderson (search for this): article 7
Major Anderson at New York — statement ofCaptain Doubleday. The steamer Baltic, with Major Anded statement of the valiant Doubleday, one of Anderson's officers: She had as she came up the e on the 11th, but was refused not only by Major Anderson, but by the unanimous voice of the commandrength, and most of our shot glanced off.--Major Anderson refused to allow the men to turn the guns g was the conversation that passed between Major Anderson and ex-Senator Wigfall. The latter said: Beauregard wishes to stop this, sir. Maj. Anderson only replied, "Well, well." Wigfall ow upon what terms you will evacuate? Maj. Anderson--Gen. Beauregard is already acquainted wit will evacuate on the terms proposed? Maj. Anderson--"Yes, and only those." Wigfall then ers came from General Beauregard asking if Maj. Anderson wanted any help, stating that Wigfall had ys, and had no authority for his demand on Maj. Anderson, to which the Major replied, "Then we have[3 more...]
and ex-Senator Wigfall. The latter said: Gen. Beauregard wishes to stop this, sir. Maj. Anderson only replied, "Well, well." Wigfall — You've done all that can be done, and Gen. Beauregard wishes to know upon what terms you will evacuate? Maj. Anderson--Gen. Beauregard is already acquainted with the terms. Wigfall — Do I understand you will evacuate on the terms proposed? Maj. Anderson--"Yes, and only those." Wigfall then returned. Ten minutes after Col. Chesnut and others came from General Beauregard asking if Maj. Anderson wanted any help, stating that Wigfall had not seen Gen. Beauregard for two days, and had no authority for his demand on Maj. Anderson, to which the Major replied, "Then we have been sold. We will raise our flag again." But they requested him to keep it down until communication could be had with General Beauregard. The firing then ceased and three hours after another deputation came, agreeing to the terms previously decided
ots went through the Floating Battery, but it was but little damaged. Two guns on the Iron Battery were dismounted. A man was stationed, who cried shot or shell when the rebels fired, and the garrison was thus enabled to dodge. At first the workmen were reluctant to help to work the guns, but after wards served most willingly and effectually against the Iron Battery. The barracks caught fire several times on Friday, but were extinguished by the efforts of Mr. Hart, of New York, and Mr. Lyman, of Baltimore, both volunteers. On Saturday the officers' quarters caught fire from a shell. The mail gates were burnt and the magazine was actually surrounded by fire, and ninety barrels of powder, which had been taken out, were thrown into the sea.--When the magazine was encircled by fire, all our materials were cut off, and we had eaten our last biscuit two days before. The men had to lay on the ground with wet handkerchiefs on their faces to prevent smothering, and a favorable ed
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