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everything looked decidedly warlike. Prisoners at Washington. W. D. Hatton, of Prince George's county, Maryland, who has been in jail for several days past, has been dismissed by Gen. Mansfield's order, he having voluntarily taken the oath of allegiance. On Tuesday, Lieut. C. H. Shepperd Provost Marshal of Alexandria, sent to Washington four prisoners, who were committed to jail to await the orders of General Mansfield by Justice Donn. Two or them, Captain G. W. Fleming and S. S. Green, were arrested on the 8th June, and W. T. Walker and co McMill were arrested on the 16th inst.; in addition to being held as prisoners of are also charged with firing into the cars. The compromise — the meeting of Congress A Washington dispatch to the Philadelphia Inquirer says: There is a sentiment pervading here among Northern visitors which tends strongly towards a compromise. But all is vague. Still it is the feeling, and one which, I believe from common rumor, Pres