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Turner Ashby (search for this): article 16
through his horse and then striking him on the knee. Near 1 o'clock Col. Turner Ashby arrived with his command of twelve men, and being informed by a woman tha were discharged at them: but 30 far all of our boys escaped unhurt, although Col. Ashby, H. C. Rust and Granville T. Smith had their horses killed under them. Immediately upon landing, Col. Ashby gave the command to beat the bushes and drive out the miserable cowards. He, flushing a covey of four, killed two, who had the temeriat him. One of them as he fell before him, begged him not to ride over him, and Ashby turned aside, telling him that he had done him all the harm he desired. Anothee shoulder, breaking the bone. He will, however, recover. At this point Col. Ashby, in a loud voice, gave an order for the reserve to be brought up, (but as the island left in the immediate possession of the immortal little band of nine. Col. Ashby, (not knowing the fate of his brother,) and his command, immediately returned
T. H. Paine (search for this): article 16
urse seized upon this moment to charge upon them with revolvers, sword bayonets, and other side arms. Then it was that Dick Ashby had a hand to hand encounter with three men, killing the corporal, and badly if not fatally wounding the other two. Whilst engaged with these two men, he received a blow from an unseen hand that felled him to the earth, where he was left for dead by his men, who, after his fall, made good their escape and returned to camp. E. D. Kiachelo, R. B. Templeton and T. H. Paine lost their horses in this engagement. Dr. Templemand's party were also surrounded by a largely superior force and compelled to fall back; but of the engagement we could not learn the particulars, although it is known that but one of his party, Mr. A. Ganson, was wounded, and he but slightly, the ball having first passed through his horse and then striking him on the knee. Near 1 o'clock Col. Turner Ashby arrived with his command of twelve men, and being informed by a woman that ther
E. D. Kiachelo (search for this): article 16
he brave and chivalrous enemy of course seized upon this moment to charge upon them with revolvers, sword bayonets, and other side arms. Then it was that Dick Ashby had a hand to hand encounter with three men, killing the corporal, and badly if not fatally wounding the other two. Whilst engaged with these two men, he received a blow from an unseen hand that felled him to the earth, where he was left for dead by his men, who, after his fall, made good their escape and returned to camp. E. D. Kiachelo, R. B. Templeton and T. H. Paine lost their horses in this engagement. Dr. Templemand's party were also surrounded by a largely superior force and compelled to fall back; but of the engagement we could not learn the particulars, although it is known that but one of his party, Mr. A. Ganson, was wounded, and he but slightly, the ball having first passed through his horse and then striking him on the knee. Near 1 o'clock Col. Turner Ashby arrived with his command of twelve men, and b
H. G. Pickett (search for this): article 16
The fight at Kelley's Island.interesting particulars.death of Capt. Richard Ashby. We copy the following interesting particulars of the skirmish which took place at Kelley's Island, near Romney, on Saturday, the 29th ult., from the Winchester Republican.--It is with much regret that we find in the postscript attached, the announcement of the death of that gallant here, Capt. Richard Ashby, From Mr. H. G. Pickett, a member of Capt. Ashby's company, we have the following particulars of the fight, which can be relied on as strictly correct: On Thursday morning last, Colonel Turner Astiby left the camp at Col. George Washington's, in Hampshire county, five miles north of Romney, on a scouting expedition, with 11 men under his command, and proceeded is the direction of Patterson's Creek depot. Near the same hour, Captain Dick Ashby left his quarters on Patterson's Creek, some 10 miles from Patterson's Creek Depot, with 19 men under his command, and proceeded in the direct
J. R. Blackmore (search for this): article 16
sidered by any, save a second Leonidas, a completely over whelming force. They were immediately charged upon by this lawless band of Abolition cut-throats, when Captain Ashby gave the order to retreat, with the command; after retreating a short distance, (thus deceiving the imps,) to suddenly wheel to the right, and give the scoundrels a raking fire as they passed their lines. This wheel was made, but a short distance from an unseen culvert, or cow stop upon the railroad, but one man, J. R. Blackmore, succeeded in making the turn, the rest were all, with one exception, precipitated into the culvert, where of course they were unhorsed, but, strange to say, unhurt, save a few bruises. The brave and chivalrous enemy of course seized upon this moment to charge upon them with revolvers, sword bayonets, and other side arms. Then it was that Dick Ashby had a hand to hand encounter with three men, killing the corporal, and badly if not fatally wounding the other two. Whilst engaged with
s person and carried away by the thieves. He was found to be badly wounded by a sabre cut over each eye, a thrust in the bowels, a deep cut in the arm immediately above the elbow, injuring the bone near the joint; he was also shot through the palm of one hand, and two fingers of the other mutilated by the passage of a ball of rather an inconvenient size. As may be supposed, when found he was much exliatristed, but he soon raised at the sight of his friends, and was taken to the house of Mr. Wagoner near by, where he remained for some time. He was then removed to the house of Col. George Washington, where he can lack nothing that kindness can bestow. He will as soon as he can stand the trip, be removed to this place, where every house will be thrown open to him, and every tongue will bid him welcome. Thus ended the great right at Kelley's Island, where the two Ashbys, with seventeen men, completely routed seventy U. S. Dragoons. P. S.--Since going to press, we have receiv
Granville T. Smith (search for this): article 16
ly grazing without rider, and fearing the fate that might have befallen its noble rider, he immediately ordered his men to cross to the island, he taking the lead. Whilst crossing they were exposed to the raking fire of the enemy, who took deliberate aim at them from behind the drift wood piled upon this the upper end of the island. At the command to fire, not less than forty balls were discharged at them: but 30 far all of our boys escaped unhurt, although Col. Ashby, H. C. Rust and Granville T. Smith had their horses killed under them. Immediately upon landing, Col. Ashby gave the command to beat the bushes and drive out the miserable cowards. He, flushing a covey of four, killed two, who had the temerity to offer a fight, and taking the other two on the wing as they fled after having discharged the contents of their revolvers at him. One of them as he fell before him, begged him not to ride over him, and Ashby turned aside, telling him that he had done him all the harm he desire
man. The poor, miserable creature, whilst weltering in his blood, asked Smith if he was a Christian, and he replied, "I trust so;" "then, " said the man, " for God's sake, bring me a drink of water." This Smith hastened to get from the river close by, but whilst in the very act of attempting to drink he fell back and expired. Near the close of the engagement, whilst nobly contending against fearful odds, Dr. Aufaunton, of Baltimore, and Oswald Foley, of Fauquier, fell mortally wounded. John Ladd, of Missouri, also received a severe wound in the arm, near the shoulder, breaking the bone. He will, however, recover. At this point Col. Ashby, in a loud voice, gave an order for the reserve to be brought up, (but as they were fifteen miles off and not expected, they did not come.) to dismount and charge with the bowie-knife. Scarcely were the words uttered before a general stampede took place, leaving as near as we could understand, from seventeen to twenty of their dead behind,
George Washington (search for this): article 16
chard Ashby, From Mr. H. G. Pickett, a member of Capt. Ashby's company, we have the following particulars of the fight, which can be relied on as strictly correct: On Thursday morning last, Colonel Turner Astiby left the camp at Col. George Washington's, in Hampshire county, five miles north of Romney, on a scouting expedition, with 11 men under his command, and proceeded is the direction of Patterson's Creek depot. Near the same hour, Captain Dick Ashby left his quarters on Pattersonient size. As may be supposed, when found he was much exliatristed, but he soon raised at the sight of his friends, and was taken to the house of Mr. Wagoner near by, where he remained for some time. He was then removed to the house of Col. George Washington, where he can lack nothing that kindness can bestow. He will as soon as he can stand the trip, be removed to this place, where every house will be thrown open to him, and every tongue will bid him welcome. Thus ended the great right
y's Island, he divided his command into two parties, taking 7 men with himself, and proceeded up the railroad, whilst the other 12, under Dr. Templemand, of Fanquter, proceeded in the opposite direction. Soon after this division of his forces, Capt. Ashby's party was decoyed by some treacherous scoundrel, a citizen of the county, into an ambush, near a deep out in the turn of the railroad, where he found himself completely surrounded by what would have been considered by any, save a second Leonidas, a completely over whelming force. They were immediately charged upon by this lawless band of Abolition cut-throats, when Captain Ashby gave the order to retreat, with the command; after retreating a short distance, (thus deceiving the imps,) to suddenly wheel to the right, and give the scoundrels a raking fire as they passed their lines. This wheel was made, but a short distance from an unseen culvert, or cow stop upon the railroad, but one man, J. R. Blackmore, succeeded in making the t
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