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Turquie (Turkey) (search for this): article 23
hree Bourbon brigades had landed there. Hungray. The funeral services at Pesth in honor of Court Cavour were interdicted by a telegraphic order from Vienna. The alarming reports relative to the health of the Emperor of Austria are too true. Turkey. The Sultan of Turkey was succeeded by his brother, Abdul Aziz Khan. All was quiet at Constantinople. China. A panic prevailed at Calcutta, owing to the opium speculations. The Chinese rebels had taken Hong Kow. hree Bourbon brigades had landed there. Hungray. The funeral services at Pesth in honor of Court Cavour were interdicted by a telegraphic order from Vienna. The alarming reports relative to the health of the Emperor of Austria are too true. Turkey. The Sultan of Turkey was succeeded by his brother, Abdul Aziz Khan. All was quiet at Constantinople. China. A panic prevailed at Calcutta, owing to the opium speculations. The Chinese rebels had taken Hong Kow.
United States (United States) (search for this): article 23
case of Patterson vs. Bonaparte commenced in the Special Court of France on the 24th ult. The new treaty of commerce between France and Brazil is confirmed. It will involve a general remodeling of tariff duties. Spain. A royal decree admits cotton at much lower duties in Spain from September till January. The Spanish proclamation, relative to the American war, says the Queen is determined to observe the strictest neutrality between the Federal States of the Union and Confederate States of the South. With this view it is prohibited to arm, build and fit out privateers, no matter under what flag, in any Spanish port. Ship owners and captains are prohibited accepting letters of marque, and from contributing in any way to the armament and fitting out of privateers. Privateers and prizes are prohibited from remaining over twenty-four hours in any Spanish port, save in case of urgent necessity, in which case the harbor authorities are to compel them to proceed to se
China (China) (search for this): article 23
ree Bourbon brigades had landed there. Hungray. The funeral services at Pesth in honor of Court Cavour were interdicted by a telegraphic order from Vienna. The alarming reports relative to the health of the Emperor of Austria are too true. Turkey. The Sultan of Turkey was succeeded by his brother, Abdul Aziz Khan. All was quiet at Constantinople. China. A panic prevailed at Calcutta, owing to the opium speculations. The Chinese rebels had taken Hong Kow. ree Bourbon brigades had landed there. Hungray. The funeral services at Pesth in honor of Court Cavour were interdicted by a telegraphic order from Vienna. The alarming reports relative to the health of the Emperor of Austria are too true. Turkey. The Sultan of Turkey was succeeded by his brother, Abdul Aziz Khan. All was quiet at Constantinople. China. A panic prevailed at Calcutta, owing to the opium speculations. The Chinese rebels had taken Hong Kow.
Rockdale, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): article 23
n themselves into a passion and must be left to recover. Sir Archibald Alison, in a letter to Cassius. M. Clay, contends that the American Constitution is a failure, and recommends a National Church and Monarchy as the remedy. The Prince and Princess Frederick William had arrived in England on a visit to the Queen. The Prince of Wales would proceed on the 29th to the camp at Curragh, Ireland, to take the round of military duties. Mr. Cobden addressed his constituents at Rockdale on the 26th. He eulogized the French Government and the commercial treaty with France, denounced the volunteer movement in England, and ridiculed as a ridiculous bugbear the idea of a French invasion. France. The recognition of Italy by France had been formally announced in the Moniteur, and by Baron Ricasoli in the Italian Parliament. The latter said that diplomatic relations between the two countries would soon be re-established. The Roman question was still pending, and it
Cunard (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 23
asure of all governments in the immediate vicinity of hostilities. The step indicated no distrust of faith in the Northern States, and no want of confidence in the Canadians. The London Times says that the sending of reinforcements to Canada was right and proper, because they can only be sent there in the summer season. The loss by the conflagration in London was over two millions sterling. Some of the estimates are as high as three or four millions.--Nearly all insured. The Cunard steamer Scotia had been successfully launched. Lord Chancellor Campbell had died very suddenly, having ruptured a blood vessel. Sir R. Bethel has been confirmed as Lord Chancellor of England. The Times continues to maintain that the Americans have no ground for their abuse of England beyond mortification at England's lack of appreciation. It says the Northerners have thrown themselves into a passion and must be left to recover. Sir Archibald Alison, in a letter to Cassiu
Canada (Canada) (search for this): article 23
European News.further by the Great Eastern. The dates by the Great Eastern are to the 28th of June. She brought a large number of troops for Canada. It is reported that the Edinburg sailed for New York on the 26th with £203,000 in specie. The following summary of news was telegraphed to the Northern press from Farther Point: Sir J. Fergusson, in the House of Commons, condemned the sending of reinforcements to Canada. Mr. Disraell also thought the Government were incurring serious responsibilities. Lord Palmerston defended the act of the Government as a usual precautionary measure of all governments in the immediate vicinity of hostilndicated no distrust of faith in the Northern States, and no want of confidence in the Canadians. The London Times says that the sending of reinforcements to Canada was right and proper, because they can only be sent there in the summer season. The loss by the conflagration in London was over two millions sterling. Some
Brazil (Brazil) (search for this): article 23
recognition of Italy by France had been formally announced in the Moniteur, and by Baron Ricasoli in the Italian Parliament. The latter said that diplomatic relations between the two countries would soon be re-established. The Roman question was still pending, and it was hoped that there would be a favorable solution of it. The appeal in the case of Patterson vs. Bonaparte commenced in the Special Court of France on the 24th ult. The new treaty of commerce between France and Brazil is confirmed. It will involve a general remodeling of tariff duties. Spain. A royal decree admits cotton at much lower duties in Spain from September till January. The Spanish proclamation, relative to the American war, says the Queen is determined to observe the strictest neutrality between the Federal States of the Union and Confederate States of the South. With this view it is prohibited to arm, build and fit out privateers, no matter under what flag, in any Spanish port.
Vienna (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 23
of Foreign Affairs. Italy. The Chamber of Deputies, on the 26th, debated the bill relating to the loan of 500,000,000 francs. Ferrari opposed the bill, and attacked the whole system of government. Desanetts replied, and demonstrated that the Government was following Count Cavour's system. The Pope was ill, but improving at last accounts. The Official Gazette contradicts the report of the landing of the Bourbonists and disturbers of public order in Sicily, and says that only three Bourbon brigades had landed there. Hungray. The funeral services at Pesth in honor of Court Cavour were interdicted by a telegraphic order from Vienna. The alarming reports relative to the health of the Emperor of Austria are too true. Turkey. The Sultan of Turkey was succeeded by his brother, Abdul Aziz Khan. All was quiet at Constantinople. China. A panic prevailed at Calcutta, owing to the opium speculations. The Chinese rebels had taken Hong Kow.
Austria (Austria) (search for this): article 23
f Foreign Affairs. Italy. The Chamber of Deputies, on the 26th, debated the bill relating to the loan of 500,000,000 francs. Ferrari opposed the bill, and attacked the whole system of government. Desanetts replied, and demonstrated that the Government was following Count Cavour's system. The Pope was ill, but improving at last accounts. The Official Gazette contradicts the report of the landing of the Bourbonists and disturbers of public order in Sicily, and says that only three Bourbon brigades had landed there. Hungray. The funeral services at Pesth in honor of Court Cavour were interdicted by a telegraphic order from Vienna. The alarming reports relative to the health of the Emperor of Austria are too true. Turkey. The Sultan of Turkey was succeeded by his brother, Abdul Aziz Khan. All was quiet at Constantinople. China. A panic prevailed at Calcutta, owing to the opium speculations. The Chinese rebels had taken Hong Kow.
Calcutta (West Bengal, India) (search for this): article 23
of Foreign Affairs. Italy. The Chamber of Deputies, on the 26th, debated the bill relating to the loan of 500,000,000 francs. Ferrari opposed the bill, and attacked the whole system of government. Desanetts replied, and demonstrated that the Government was following Count Cavour's system. The Pope was ill, but improving at last accounts. The Official Gazette contradicts the report of the landing of the Bourbonists and disturbers of public order in Sicily, and says that only three Bourbon brigades had landed there. Hungray. The funeral services at Pesth in honor of Court Cavour were interdicted by a telegraphic order from Vienna. The alarming reports relative to the health of the Emperor of Austria are too true. Turkey. The Sultan of Turkey was succeeded by his brother, Abdul Aziz Khan. All was quiet at Constantinople. China. A panic prevailed at Calcutta, owing to the opium speculations. The Chinese rebels had taken Hong Kow.
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