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Martinsburg (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 5
Lincoln's hirelings. A correspondent of the Petersburg Express, writing from Winchester, Va., on the 16th, relates the following instance of the scoundrelism of one of Lincoln's myrmidons: "A young gentleman who made his escape from Martinsburg, states (which, from his known integrity for veracity, I vouch for) that one of old Abe's sensual brutes saw a beautiful young lady at a window at Martinsburg while passing her house, and at once marked her as his prey. The young lady in ques sensual brutes saw a beautiful young lady at a window at Martinsburg while passing her house, and at once marked her as his prey. The young lady in question was very nervous and excitable, extremely so; and that very night the brute attempted to force an entrance into her sleeping apartment by force through the window, which so frightened her that she expired almost instantly. Would to Heaven that fire and brimstone might rain down on these women-slayers! It would be a just retribution."
Abraham Lincoln (search for this): article 5
The Fiendishness of Lincoln's hirelings. A correspondent of the Petersburg Express, writing from Winchester, Va., on the 16th, relates the following instance of the scoundrelism of one of Lincoln's myrmidons: "A young gentleman who made his escape from Martinsburg, states (which, from his known integrity for veracity, I vouch for) that one of old Abe's sensual brutes saw a beautiful young lady at a window at Martinsburg while passing her house, and at once marked her as his prey. TLincoln's myrmidons: "A young gentleman who made his escape from Martinsburg, states (which, from his known integrity for veracity, I vouch for) that one of old Abe's sensual brutes saw a beautiful young lady at a window at Martinsburg while passing her house, and at once marked her as his prey. The young lady in question was very nervous and excitable, extremely so; and that very night the brute attempted to force an entrance into her sleeping apartment by force through the window, which so frightened her that she expired almost instantly. Would to Heaven that fire and brimstone might rain down on these women-slayers! It would be a just retribution."
The Fiendishness of Lincoln's hirelings. A correspondent of the Petersburg Express, writing from Winchester, Va., on the 16th, relates the following instance of the scoundrelism of one of Lincoln's myrmidons: "A young gentleman who made his escape from Martinsburg, states (which, from his known integrity for veracity, I vouch for) that one of old Abe's sensual brutes saw a beautiful young lady at a window at Martinsburg while passing her house, and at once marked her as his prey. The young lady in question was very nervous and excitable, extremely so; and that very night the brute attempted to force an entrance into her sleeping apartment by force through the window, which so frightened her that she expired almost instantly. Would to Heaven that fire and brimstone might rain down on these women-slayers! It would be a just retribution."