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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 23, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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Edwin A. Smith (search for this): article 1
n, John Knute (of Wheeling), H. K. Ellyson, D. J. Burr, Thomas U. Dudley, W. Fleischmanns, H. A. Dudley, Andrew Jenkins, M. Downey, W. W. Snead, Geo. W. Gretter, Thomas L. Johnson, Paulus Powell (of Amherst). This committee will proceed to Manassas in the early train this morning. Committee to Procure Accommodations.--B. W. Haxall, John D. Harvey, James Blair, A. S. Lee, H. Hancock, Thos. W. McCance, Thos. W. Doswell, W. J. Riddick, P. B. Price, Geo. Watt, Emanuel Straus, M. Downey, Edwin A. Smith, John Gibson. Geo. S. Lownes, Wm. H. Lyons, John H. Knowles, Samuel J. Rutherfoord, C. Crew, H. Spotts, Thos. Vaiden, (Manchester,) John Enders, John L. Tate, F. W. Redford. C. Burnett, R. A. Mayo, Thos. G. Bell, C. Bates, Jos. Allen, John Hatcher, (Manchester,) Geo. S. Palmer, Caleb Jacobs, Thomas Jones, R. O. Haskins, L. Libby, M. Milhiser, Lewis H. Frayser, C. R. Barksdale, Chas. Campbell, Thos. C. Epps, E. Norvell Jones, H. T. Pairo, W. Goddin, Chas. Behle, W. F. Taylor. This c
A. S. Lee (search for this): article 1
mond (of Marion), James Neeson (of Marion), R. E. Cowan (of Preston), D. J. Saunders, Thomas Boldeman, G. W. Thomas, V. Bargamin, John Knute (of Wheeling), H. K. Ellyson, D. J. Burr, Thomas U. Dudley, W. Fleischmanns, H. A. Dudley, Andrew Jenkins, M. Downey, W. W. Snead, Geo. W. Gretter, Thomas L. Johnson, Paulus Powell (of Amherst). This committee will proceed to Manassas in the early train this morning. Committee to Procure Accommodations.--B. W. Haxall, John D. Harvey, James Blair, A. S. Lee, H. Hancock, Thos. W. McCance, Thos. W. Doswell, W. J. Riddick, P. B. Price, Geo. Watt, Emanuel Straus, M. Downey, Edwin A. Smith, John Gibson. Geo. S. Lownes, Wm. H. Lyons, John H. Knowles, Samuel J. Rutherfoord, C. Crew, H. Spotts, Thos. Vaiden, (Manchester,) John Enders, John L. Tate, F. W. Redford. C. Burnett, R. A. Mayo, Thos. G. Bell, C. Bates, Jos. Allen, John Hatcher, (Manchester,) Geo. S. Palmer, Caleb Jacobs, Thomas Jones, R. O. Haskins, L. Libby, M. Milhiser, Lewis H. Frayser,
W. F. Taylor (search for this): article 1
M. Downey, Edwin A. Smith, John Gibson. Geo. S. Lownes, Wm. H. Lyons, John H. Knowles, Samuel J. Rutherfoord, C. Crew, H. Spotts, Thos. Vaiden, (Manchester,) John Enders, John L. Tate, F. W. Redford. C. Burnett, R. A. Mayo, Thos. G. Bell, C. Bates, Jos. Allen, John Hatcher, (Manchester,) Geo. S. Palmer, Caleb Jacobs, Thomas Jones, R. O. Haskins, L. Libby, M. Milhiser, Lewis H. Frayser, C. R. Barksdale, Chas. Campbell, Thos. C. Epps, E. Norvell Jones, H. T. Pairo, W. Goddin, Chas. Behle, W. F. Taylor. This committee will meet in the office of the Insurance Company of Virginia, under the American Hotel, at 9 o'clock this morning.--Persons wishing to take wounded soldiers can report at the above office or at the Sergeant's office, City Hall. Committee to Solicit Subscriptions of Money.--Isaac W. Walker, Thos. Clemmitt, Geo. W. Smith, J. J. Waggoner, Thomas W. Doswell, R. J. Christian, W. W. Timberlake, C. Wendlinger. A. H. Sands, J. W. Lewellen, Wm H. Hargrove, Thomas Taylor,
George Watt (search for this): article 1
homas Boldeman, G. W. Thomas, V. Bargamin, John Knute (of Wheeling), H. K. Ellyson, D. J. Burr, Thomas U. Dudley, W. Fleischmanns, H. A. Dudley, Andrew Jenkins, M. Downey, W. W. Snead, Geo. W. Gretter, Thomas L. Johnson, Paulus Powell (of Amherst). This committee will proceed to Manassas in the early train this morning. Committee to Procure Accommodations.--B. W. Haxall, John D. Harvey, James Blair, A. S. Lee, H. Hancock, Thos. W. McCance, Thos. W. Doswell, W. J. Riddick, P. B. Price, Geo. Watt, Emanuel Straus, M. Downey, Edwin A. Smith, John Gibson. Geo. S. Lownes, Wm. H. Lyons, John H. Knowles, Samuel J. Rutherfoord, C. Crew, H. Spotts, Thos. Vaiden, (Manchester,) John Enders, John L. Tate, F. W. Redford. C. Burnett, R. A. Mayo, Thos. G. Bell, C. Bates, Jos. Allen, John Hatcher, (Manchester,) Geo. S. Palmer, Caleb Jacobs, Thomas Jones, R. O. Haskins, L. Libby, M. Milhiser, Lewis H. Frayser, C. R. Barksdale, Chas. Campbell, Thos. C. Epps, E. Norvell Jones, H. T. Pairo, W. Goddi
Blair Burwell (search for this): article 1
f the rights of Virginia. The Mayor responded with much enthusiasm to this suggestion, and paid a warm tribute of affectionate admiration to these loyal and devoted gentlemen — alluding in eloquent terms to the sufferings and privations which their fidelity to Virginia had entailed upon them. The resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the following gentlemen appointed on the several committees: Committee to Proceed to Manassas.--Jos Mayo, W. G. Paine, James H. Conway, Blair Burwell, F. W. Roddy, F. W. Hancock, J. B. McCaw, R. R. Howison, L. S. Hall (of Wetzel), Samuel Woods (of Barbour), H. F. Haymond (of Marion), James Neeson (of Marion), R. E. Cowan (of Preston), D. J. Saunders, Thomas Boldeman, G. W. Thomas, V. Bargamin, John Knute (of Wheeling), H. K. Ellyson, D. J. Burr, Thomas U. Dudley, W. Fleischmanns, H. A. Dudley, Andrew Jenkins, M. Downey, W. W. Snead, Geo. W. Gretter, Thomas L. Johnson, Paulus Powell (of Amherst). This committee will proceed to Manassas
Thomas L. Johnson (search for this): article 1
ittee to Proceed to Manassas.--Jos Mayo, W. G. Paine, James H. Conway, Blair Burwell, F. W. Roddy, F. W. Hancock, J. B. McCaw, R. R. Howison, L. S. Hall (of Wetzel), Samuel Woods (of Barbour), H. F. Haymond (of Marion), James Neeson (of Marion), R. E. Cowan (of Preston), D. J. Saunders, Thomas Boldeman, G. W. Thomas, V. Bargamin, John Knute (of Wheeling), H. K. Ellyson, D. J. Burr, Thomas U. Dudley, W. Fleischmanns, H. A. Dudley, Andrew Jenkins, M. Downey, W. W. Snead, Geo. W. Gretter, Thomas L. Johnson, Paulus Powell (of Amherst). This committee will proceed to Manassas in the early train this morning. Committee to Procure Accommodations.--B. W. Haxall, John D. Harvey, James Blair, A. S. Lee, H. Hancock, Thos. W. McCance, Thos. W. Doswell, W. J. Riddick, P. B. Price, Geo. Watt, Emanuel Straus, M. Downey, Edwin A. Smith, John Gibson. Geo. S. Lownes, Wm. H. Lyons, John H. Knowles, Samuel J. Rutherfoord, C. Crew, H. Spotts, Thos. Vaiden, (Manchester,) John Enders, John L. Tate, F.
Dudley, Andrew Jenkins, M. Downey, W. W. Snead, Geo. W. Gretter, Thomas L. Johnson, Paulus Powell (of Amherst). This committee will proceed to Manassas in the early train this morning. Committee to Procure Accommodations.--B. W. Haxall, John D. Harvey, James Blair, A. S. Lee, H. Hancock, Thos. W. McCance, Thos. W. Doswell, W. J. Riddick, P. B. Price, Geo. Watt, Emanuel Straus, M. Downey, Edwin A. Smith, John Gibson. Geo. S. Lownes, Wm. H. Lyons, John H. Knowles, Samuel J. Rutherfoord, C. Crew, H. Spotts, Thos. Vaiden, (Manchester,) John Enders, John L. Tate, F. W. Redford. C. Burnett, R. A. Mayo, Thos. G. Bell, C. Bates, Jos. Allen, John Hatcher, (Manchester,) Geo. S. Palmer, Caleb Jacobs, Thomas Jones, R. O. Haskins, L. Libby, M. Milhiser, Lewis H. Frayser, C. R. Barksdale, Chas. Campbell, Thos. C. Epps, E. Norvell Jones, H. T. Pairo, W. Goddin, Chas. Behle, W. F. Taylor. This committee will meet in the office of the Insurance Company of Virginia, under the American Hotel,
H. A. Dudley (search for this): article 1
d the following gentlemen appointed on the several committees: Committee to Proceed to Manassas.--Jos Mayo, W. G. Paine, James H. Conway, Blair Burwell, F. W. Roddy, F. W. Hancock, J. B. McCaw, R. R. Howison, L. S. Hall (of Wetzel), Samuel Woods (of Barbour), H. F. Haymond (of Marion), James Neeson (of Marion), R. E. Cowan (of Preston), D. J. Saunders, Thomas Boldeman, G. W. Thomas, V. Bargamin, John Knute (of Wheeling), H. K. Ellyson, D. J. Burr, Thomas U. Dudley, W. Fleischmanns, H. A. Dudley, Andrew Jenkins, M. Downey, W. W. Snead, Geo. W. Gretter, Thomas L. Johnson, Paulus Powell (of Amherst). This committee will proceed to Manassas in the early train this morning. Committee to Procure Accommodations.--B. W. Haxall, John D. Harvey, James Blair, A. S. Lee, H. Hancock, Thos. W. McCance, Thos. W. Doswell, W. J. Riddick, P. B. Price, Geo. Watt, Emanuel Straus, M. Downey, Edwin A. Smith, John Gibson. Geo. S. Lownes, Wm. H. Lyons, John H. Knowles, Samuel J. Rutherfoord, C. C
R. E. Cowan (search for this): article 1
lemen — alluding in eloquent terms to the sufferings and privations which their fidelity to Virginia had entailed upon them. The resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the following gentlemen appointed on the several committees: Committee to Proceed to Manassas.--Jos Mayo, W. G. Paine, James H. Conway, Blair Burwell, F. W. Roddy, F. W. Hancock, J. B. McCaw, R. R. Howison, L. S. Hall (of Wetzel), Samuel Woods (of Barbour), H. F. Haymond (of Marion), James Neeson (of Marion), R. E. Cowan (of Preston), D. J. Saunders, Thomas Boldeman, G. W. Thomas, V. Bargamin, John Knute (of Wheeling), H. K. Ellyson, D. J. Burr, Thomas U. Dudley, W. Fleischmanns, H. A. Dudley, Andrew Jenkins, M. Downey, W. W. Snead, Geo. W. Gretter, Thomas L. Johnson, Paulus Powell (of Amherst). This committee will proceed to Manassas in the early train this morning. Committee to Procure Accommodations.--B. W. Haxall, John D. Harvey, James Blair, A. S. Lee, H. Hancock, Thos. W. McCance, Thos. W. Dosw
J. B. McCaw (search for this): article 1
esponded with much enthusiasm to this suggestion, and paid a warm tribute of affectionate admiration to these loyal and devoted gentlemen — alluding in eloquent terms to the sufferings and privations which their fidelity to Virginia had entailed upon them. The resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the following gentlemen appointed on the several committees: Committee to Proceed to Manassas.--Jos Mayo, W. G. Paine, James H. Conway, Blair Burwell, F. W. Roddy, F. W. Hancock, J. B. McCaw, R. R. Howison, L. S. Hall (of Wetzel), Samuel Woods (of Barbour), H. F. Haymond (of Marion), James Neeson (of Marion), R. E. Cowan (of Preston), D. J. Saunders, Thomas Boldeman, G. W. Thomas, V. Bargamin, John Knute (of Wheeling), H. K. Ellyson, D. J. Burr, Thomas U. Dudley, W. Fleischmanns, H. A. Dudley, Andrew Jenkins, M. Downey, W. W. Snead, Geo. W. Gretter, Thomas L. Johnson, Paulus Powell (of Amherst). This committee will proceed to Manassas in the early train this morning. Com
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