Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 8, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) or search for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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of the most important items is that a Federal and a "rebel" picket met midway in the river, exchanged a Baltimore Sun for a Richmond Enquirer, and, after taking "a friendly drink" together, exchanged canteens. The "glorious" Doubleday, now with General Banks, tried the range and accuracy of his rifled siege-guns the other day, and found the "range almost interminable and their accuracy astonishing." Detachments of Yankees are daily detailed to work on the railroad and bridge at Harper's Ferry. According to their own accounts, it will shortly be passable; but their accounts, are seldom, if ever, worthy of belief. The New York World (abolition) represents that recruiting goes on slowly in that city and State. Lincoln may yet have to resort to a draft to fill up his army, which will cause a stampede of Yankees to the remote corners of the earth. The new eleven regiments had not, at last accounts, a full company apiece. The New York Times is complimentary to Harry Ma
--The Wilmington Journal has the following: We learn that movements are on foot and will be consummated as soon as possible, to render the Fayetteville Arsenal a complete armory and arsenal of construction. The hands are now busily engaged altering the old flint and steel into percussion muskets.--Two large steam engines are to be constructed at Richmond to furnish power with which to carry on the heavy work of the establishment. Everything can be in place and in full working order sometime in the present year. Of course the machinery and the workmen will not stand idle in the meantime, but will carry on operations to the full extent of the power and capacity of the establishment. We regret to learn that one of the workmen from Harper's Ferry, a gentleman whose name we forget or did not learn, having gone on from Fayetteville for his family, which he had left at the Ferry, has been arrested by order of General Banks. He is spoken of as a very worthy and useful man.