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command of that important post for a short time. Young Lee continued at his post until Virginia severed her connection with the late Union, and then, as becoming one of her sons, he resigned his commission in the U. S. Army, and linked his fortunes with those of our infant Republic. He received an appointment in the regular Confederate Army, with the rank of Captain, and entered into the recruiting service. At the time he received his death wound, he was acting Lieut. Colonel of Col Cummins' Regiment of Virginia Volunteers By his self-sacrificing devotion to a cause in which was enlisted his all; by his eagerness and intrepidity on the field of action — his destitute daring and gallantry — he lost his life Willingly did he immolate himself on the alter of his country in defence of Southern rights and independence. It was in a desperate and dangerous charge, which he led without awaiting orders, that he won his death! And to die thus — at his post — is to die like a hero; to