Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for November, 8 AD or search for November, 8 AD in all documents.

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From Fortress Monroe. Fortress Monroe, Aug. 11. --The Quaker City has brought in the brig George B Baker and her crew in frons. She was captured off Galveston, and recantured off Cape Hatteras, by the New York. Four Confederates were afterwards placed on board the New York; but were chased by a gun-boat, and beached and burned. The crew escaped. Apprehensions for the safety of Lieutenant Crosby and his scouting expedition are entertained. They have been absent four days.
A General wanted. New York, Aug. 11. --The Tribune, of this city, pretends to have authority for the statement that Garibaldi has tendered his service to the United States Government. It is also said that Secretary Seward accepts Garibaldi's services, and it is proposed to make him a Major General. [The above is one of the Tribune's latest and best jokes upon the gullibility of its readers]
A New York delegation at Washington. Washington, Aug. 11. --The New York delegation are urging Gen. Wool's employment, but it is believed their real mission is to insist that a restoration of trade must preclude the loan. It is the maximum now with New Yorkers.
Consular Appointment--Gen. Wool going to Fortress Monroe. Washington, Aug. 11. --John Bigelow has been appointed Consul at Paris. Gen. Wool will certainly be ordered to take command at Fortress Monroe.
From St. Deminge. New York, Aug. 11. --The brig Laura has arrived with dates from St. Domingo to July 25th. The war between Hayti and Spain had ended and all difficulties been adjusted. The Spanish authorities have issued a decree abolishing slavery forever.
Blockade at Washington. New York, Aug. 11. --The Washington correspondent of the World says that market people from the Virginia side are prohibited from entering Washington.
Rescue of a privateer's prize. New York, August 11. --The Mary Alice, recaptured from the Dixie's prize crew, has arrived.
Movements of Prince Napoleon. Washington, August 11. --Prince Napoleon has left for New York.