Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) or search for Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) in all documents.

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ety, but was still exciting, especially to the horse, who bounded into the air as if he had been struck with a fragment of Yankee iron. This shell must have been thrown at me by Sherman's Battery, then probably a mile and a half distant. Riding forward a few yards further, I perceived in a little glen or having a party of soldiers, numbering, I suppose, about forty, dressed in a uniform exactly similar to many of those worn in the Confederate service, and all armed with the improved Springfield musket. Of course, I did not dream for an instant that they were other than Southerners and Secessionists. Riding directly up to, and accosting them, a brief colloquy ensued, of which the following is the substance: "Well, boys," said I, "I believe those batteries over yonder are, for the present, a little too much for our people on the hill." "Oh, no," replied one of them, "we are carrying the day everywhere. " (And so they were up to 1½ P. M.) "Well," said I, "who are y
The News. --The telegraph brings some farther intelligence of war movements in Missouri, from which it would appear that the Southern cause is progressing. It is, as usual, exceedingly vague; but so far as it goes, the inference is that our troops were about to take possession of the town of Springfield, which is situated in the southwestern portion of the State. The money in the Bank, it is said, was placed under Gen. Lyon's protection — a depository which we should consider very unsafe. If this is true, the previous report of Gen. Lyon's death was false. A dispatch from Louisville will attract attention. It indicates a purpose to raise the blockade on certain articles, which would give the Western farmers an opportunity of shipping their surplus produce to the Confederate States. We cannot say that we have much faith in the statement; but if there is any truth in it, the inference is that Secretary Chase is yielding to an outside pressure, in the hope of inducing the