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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 19, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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Maine (Maine, United States) (search for this): article 2
the Government now, when it has been assured of all the millions of money that it required. Col. Jameson, of the Second Maine Regiment, which, under his lead, behaved so handsomely at the battle of Bull Run, has resigned his commission. The Maine delegation had recommended his promotion to a Brigadier-Generalship, but the Governor of Maine, Mr. Washburne, interfered in behalf of Major Prince, who is to have the appointment. Hence Col. Jameson's resignation. The business of the PatenMaine, Mr. Washburne, interfered in behalf of Major Prince, who is to have the appointment. Hence Col. Jameson's resignation. The business of the Patent Office continues so to fall off that the commissioners contemplate a reduction of the pay of the employees. Inventions for military or destructive purposes are very numerous. There are now a great number of applications for patents of that sort before the examiner, who is charged with that class of cases. The tenor of the news from the lower counties of Maryland confirms what was stated two or three days since in this correspondence, namely: that the Confederates are preparing a great
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 2
rfered in behalf of Major Prince, who is to have the appointment. Hence Col. Jameson's resignation. The business of the Patent Office continues so to fall off that the commissioners contemplate a reduction of the pay of the employees. Inventions for military or destructive purposes are very numerous. There are now a great number of applications for patents of that sort before the examiner, who is charged with that class of cases. The tenor of the news from the lower counties of Maryland confirms what was stated two or three days since in this correspondence, namely: that the Confederates are preparing a great fleet of boats in the creeks and rivers upon the Virginia side of the Potomac; also, that many batteries are in process of construction on points commanding the navigation of the river at Matthias Point, as well as above and below it. The "efficient" blockade. The New York Journal of Commerce publishes the following extract of a letter to a merchant of that ci
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 2
riends to send delegates to the one called by the other wing of the party. Union meeting in Bangor, Bangor, August 15. --The Secession Convention of the Breckinridge State Committee was not held here to day, as proposed, either in a public or private manner. A grand Union meeting has, however, been in session all day, attended by thousands from the city and the neighboring town. There have also been parades of the Home Guards, with music, &c. No disturbance occurred. Massachusetts Politics. Boston, August 15 --The Democratic State Committee met yesterday at Worcester, and agreed to call a Convention to nominate State officers, to be held September 10th, in Worcester. Court martial of Col. Miles. Alexandria, Aug. 15 --The trial by court martial of Colonel Miles, charged with unofficer-like conduct on Centreville Heights, on the day of the battle of Bull Bun, is still progressing, the court being held in the City Council Chamber. The witnesses
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 2
Still Later. Another Installment of Northern News — The Skirmish on the Potomac — Firing at Aquia Creek — Affairs in Missouri--Later from Fortress Monroe, &c., &c., &c., The special express yesterday brought us files of Northern journals, including New York dates of Friday, and Baltimore dates of Saturday last. The following is a summary of the latest news: Official report of the Skirmish on the Potomac. The following is Capt. Budd's report of this affair, made to Capt. Cravethe field of battle, they shall have proved their bravery. The names of the leaders in this revolt will be sent to the Governor of New York, to be placed in the archives of the State. A court-martial will be held forthwith." Further from Missouri. St Louis, August 15 --A fleet of 10 steamers, which have been laid up for some time past, was brought up to the city to-day by order of General Fremont, to prevent the possibility of their being taken by the Confederates. General P<
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 2
been interrupted since our evacuation of Hampton. Considerable dissatisfaction has lately manifested itself among the volunteers at Old Point and Newport News, in consequence of not getting their pay. The delay of the Government agents in this particular is inexcusable. Many of the men here have not received a cent since they left home. The United States frigate Cumberland has arrived from Boston, and will soon sail Southward. The gun-boat Penguid is up from the coast of North Carolina. She obliged one vessel, attempting to run the blockade, to beach herself. The crew escaped. Position of the Federal troops in WesternVirginia. The Cincinnati Enquirer, of Wednesday, says that considerable apprehension is felt for the safety of the Federal troops under Gen Rosencranz in Western Virginia. The Enquirer remarks: There seems to be no doubt that Gen Lee, with a large, well organized and well-provided army, is on his way from Staunton to Huntersville. The de
United States (United States) (search for this): article 2
f among the volunteers at Old Point and Newport News, in consequence of not getting their pay. The delay of the Government agents in this particular is inexcusable. Many of the men here have not received a cent since they left home. The United States frigate Cumberland has arrived from Boston, and will soon sail Southward. The gun-boat Penguid is up from the coast of North Carolina. She obliged one vessel, attempting to run the blockade, to beach herself. The crew escaped. Pos of the Government, and their confidence in its power and stability. Opportunity will at once be given to the people all over the country to subscribe to the loan, and indeed subscriptions may now be made with the Assistant Treasurers of the United States, either at Boston, Philadelphia or New York Under this loan every $50 note will bear an interest of one cent a day, and the larger notes at the same rates. The Blockades. Washington, Aug. 15. --Besides the hundred vessels charter
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
expedition to the Eastern Shore. General Butler is so well satisfied with the results of La Mountain's ærial reconnaissances that the latter has gone North for a balloon of much larger size. The report that the Confederates beyond Fox Hill connected a wire with the telegraph line from Old Point to Newport News, and thus obtained our dispatches, is entirely without foundation. The line is now being put in working order, communication having been interrupted since our evacuation of Hampton. Considerable dissatisfaction has lately manifested itself among the volunteers at Old Point and Newport News, in consequence of not getting their pay. The delay of the Government agents in this particular is inexcusable. Many of the men here have not received a cent since they left home. The United States frigate Cumberland has arrived from Boston, and will soon sail Southward. The gun-boat Penguid is up from the coast of North Carolina. She obliged one vessel, attempting
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
Installment of Northern News — The Skirmish on the Potomac — Firing at Aquia Creek — Affairs in Missouri--Later from Fortress Monroe, &c., &c., &c., The special express yesterday brought us files of Northern journals, including New York dates os of the Confederate forces, it is a mere assertion of the correspondent of the Northern Associated Press] From Fortress Monroe. Fortress Monroe, August 15. --The steamers Adelaide and George Peabody have arrived at Old Point, and will Fortress Monroe, August 15. --The steamers Adelaide and George Peabody have arrived at Old Point, and will leave shortly on an important expedition. The rumored presence of a privateer in the Chesapeake was one of our vessels, belonging to Lieut. Crosby's expedition to the Eastern Shore. General Butler is so well satisfied with the results of Lg taken their armament on board, sailed from Baltimore yesterday for the sunny South. Their destination at first is Fortress Monroe, where they will meet another fleet of twelve steamers and steam-tugs, (the latter converted into gun-boats) from Ne<
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 2
tement that the authority conferred on Col Schimmelfenning at Philadelphia is not revoked, as recently stated; but, on the contrary, the Government is anxious to secure the services and active co-operation of military officers of high professional distinction. Prince Napoleon's Tour to the West. New York, August 16 --Prince Napoleon and suite started from this city this morning, and proceeded by the Allentown route to Harrisburg, and from thence by the Pennsylvania Railroad to Pittsburg. From the latter city he goes, via Cincinnati and Louisville, to St. Louis. The New gun-boats. New York, August 16 --The first of the new gun-boats built for the Navy at this port will be launched tomorrow. Another will be launched next week, and four others in fifteen days from this time. The Baltimore Police Commissioners. The New York papers state that the County Judge and the Sheriff of Kings county having exhausted their powers in the matter of the Baltimore Pol
West Virginia (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
Virginia. The Cincinnati Enquirer, of Wednesday, says that considerable apprehension is felt for the safety of the Federal troops under Gen Rosencranz in Western Virginia. The Enquirer remarks: There seems to be no doubt that Gen Lee, with a large, well organized and well-provided army, is on his way from Staunton to Huntersville. The defeat of the Federal troops at Manassas enabled the Confederates to withdraw a large force from Richmond for operations in Western Virginia. General Lee is a very different officer from the deceased Garnett, who was simply a professor or teacher, while Lee is a practical, experienced field-officer. A dispatch fretary to the Reserve Guard of this city, shows that he is apprehensive he needs more force than he has got to meet the Confederate force now in direction for Western Virginia. The New Orleans Battering ram. The same parties who arrived at New York from the South and gave the information of General Pillow's movements, have
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