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United States (United States) | 42 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Henrico (Virginia, United States) | 14 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: September 10, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.
Found 7 total hits in 5 results.
Rockingham, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 12
More soldiers from Rockingham.
--The wife of Captain William F. Deatrick, of Company G, Virginia militia, residing near Ottobine, in this county, presented the State, (not her husband, for he was absent on duty at Winchester,) on Saturday morning last, with three boys at one birth! They weighed sixteen pounds. The patriotic mother and two of the "boys" are doing well — the other little fellow was not so well, though hopes are entertained that he, too, will yet be a man. They are to be named Johnston, Lee and Beauregard.-- Rockingham Register.
Lee (search for this): article 12
More soldiers from Rockingham.
--The wife of Captain William F. Deatrick, of Company G, Virginia militia, residing near Ottobine, in this county, presented the State, (not her husband, for he was absent on duty at Winchester,) on Saturday morning last, with three boys at one birth! They weighed sixteen pounds. The patriotic mother and two of the "boys" are doing well — the other little fellow was not so well, though hopes are entertained that he, too, will yet be a man. They are to be named Johnston, Lee and Beauregard.-- Rockingham Register.
A. Sydney Johnston (search for this): article 12
More soldiers from Rockingham.
--The wife of Captain William F. Deatrick, of Company G, Virginia militia, residing near Ottobine, in this county, presented the State, (not her husband, for he was absent on duty at Winchester,) on Saturday morning last, with three boys at one birth! They weighed sixteen pounds. The patriotic mother and two of the "boys" are doing well — the other little fellow was not so well, though hopes are entertained that he, too, will yet be a man. They are to be named Johnston, Lee and Beauregard.-- Rockingham Register.
Beauregard (search for this): article 12
More soldiers from Rockingham.
--The wife of Captain William F. Deatrick, of Company G, Virginia militia, residing near Ottobine, in this county, presented the State, (not her husband, for he was absent on duty at Winchester,) on Saturday morning last, with three boys at one birth! They weighed sixteen pounds. The patriotic mother and two of the "boys" are doing well — the other little fellow was not so well, though hopes are entertained that he, too, will yet be a man. They are to be named Johnston, Lee and Beauregard.-- Rockingham Register.
William F. Deatrick (search for this): article 12
More soldiers from Rockingham.
--The wife of Captain William F. Deatrick, of Company G, Virginia militia, residing near Ottobine, in this county, presented the State, (not her husband, for he was absent on duty at Winchester,) on Saturday morning last, with three boys at one birth! They weighed sixteen pounds. The patriotic mother and two of the "boys" are doing well — the other little fellow was not so well, though hopes are entertained that he, too, will yet be a man. They are to be named Johnston, Lee and Beauregard.-- Rockingham Register.