Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 1, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for September, 9 AD or search for September, 9 AD in all documents.

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[for the Richmond Dispatch]soldiers' aid Society. A meeting was held Sept. 9th, at Mt. Moriah Church, Amherst county, by the ladies of that vicinity for the purpose of forming a Soldiers' Aid Society. The meeting was opened and closed with prayer by Rev. B. W. Roberts. The Society was organized by appointing Mrs. Sallie Claiborne, President; Miss Jennie Waller. Vice President; Mrs. Callie Gibson, Treasurer, and Miss Sallie Wilsher, Secretary. There were also twelve Directresses appointed. The object of this society is not simply to supply the wants of the soldiers, so far as they can, this fall and winter, but to remain thus united as long as our soldiers are in the field. They have selected one company — the Amherst Rifle Greys — upon which their girls will first be bestowed, and if their resources shall not be consumed, then upon such other companies as the society shall select. If such societies are not already formed all over our Southern land, I hope they will
mmissions during the past month. We are enabled to give below a full list of those who have thus prudently detached themselves from that hazardous and unpopular service into which a mistaken idea of true patriotism had led them. Some familiar names will be observed. The following-named officers from the various States have resigned: Vermont.--First Lieut. Jerome B. Chase, second volunteers, September 3rd. New York.--First Lieut, William H. Morrison, seventy-ninth, volunteers, September 9. Capt. Victor Chanden, Garibaldi Guards, September 10; First Lieut. J. Barrett, twenty-fifth volunteers, September 10; Capt. Horace J. Thomas, thirteenth volunteers, September 10; Capt. James W. Johnston, thirty-seventh volunteers, September 10; Second Lieut. Kyriam Honan, first New York cavalry, September 10; First Lieut. Edward Greenwood, tenth volunteers, September 13; Chaplain D. J. A. Foersh, seventh volunteers, August 29; Major J. R. Mitchell twenty-eighth volunteers, September 13;