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ng of several hundred Home Guards, a few Kansas troops, and a portion of the Missouri Eighth Regiment, Colonel White, with seven hundred of the First Regiment Illinois Cavalry, Colonel T. M. Marshall. These latter had preceded Colonel Mulligan's force one week in their advance from Jefferson City. Col. Mulligan's arrival with the Irish brigade swelled the force at Lexington to about 500 men, Col. Mulligan taking the command as senior officer. The brigade reached Lexington on Monday, Sept. 9, and found the attack by the enemy, under Gen. Price, imminently threatening. No time was lost in the work of entrenching their position, chosen about midway between the new and old towns of Lexington, which are about a mile a part, connected by a scattering settlement. Midway stands a solid brick edifice, built for a college, and about this a small breastwork had been already begun. By Col. Mulligan's orders this was extended, and the troops set about the construction of an earthwork