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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 9, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for July 29th or search for July 29th in all documents.
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Another Indian fight in Texas.
--Three Whites and Forty Red Skins Killed.--The Galveston News, of the 26th, says the following account of Capt. Barry's fight with the Indians is taken from a letter to Mrs. Barry, at Dresden, written by the Second Lieutenant of the company.
It may be considered reliable:
Capt. Barry left his camp, four miles northeast of the Brazos, on Monday, the 29th July. Traveling nearly a north course to Red river, about noon they had reached the Little Wichita.
The pack on one mule became deranged, and three men of the guard stopped to fix it. The main company proceeded on its march.
The officers of the guard, thinking they delayed too long, sent back four men to ascertain the cause.
The main command in the meantime had arrived at the creek, and were watering their stock.
The Indians, about 100 in number, charged the men with the pack mule, and killed three of them.
The other four out-ran them, and gave the alarm to Capt. Barry, who immediately f