Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 9, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Cockeysville (Maryland, United States) or search for Cockeysville (Maryland, United States) in all documents.

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Hatteras Inlet with the purpose of giving the Raleigh battle; but their nerve failed them on seeing the determined disposition of the Raleigh to give them battle; so they turned tail and ran back under the protection of Hatteras Inlet. The occupation of "Live Oak Camp." the name of their camp at Chickonocomac, was for the avowed purpose of attacking Roanoke Island; Hatteras Inlet being too far from the island for a successful sortie. These Yankee troops had not been long from Cockeysville, Md., as letters found in their possession are directed to that point, and are of a very late date. another account. Capt. Carrsville, of the Carrsville Guards, Third Georgia Regiment, gives us the following statement: Col. Wright left Camp Georgia, Roanoke Island, on Thursday midnight, arrived at Chickonocomac on Friday, in the steamers. Col. Wright made the attack on the Federals at 9 o'clock in the morning by firing shell from two 12-pound howitzers from on board transp