Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Joseph Davis or search for Joseph Davis in all documents.

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ough many were prevented from attending by the inclemency of the weather. At four o'clock, a carriage, containing Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, Secretary of State, Colonel Jos. Davis, the President's Aid-de Camp, and Col. Cobb, arrived upon the ground; and the regiment, drawn up in column under command of Lieut. Col. Bryant, received them with presented arms. Cols. Davis and Cobb approached to the front, and the former, taking the flag, presented it with a brief address, in which he alluded to the patriotism of Georgia and the gallantry of her sons, who, he was assured, would never allow those proud colors to be trailed in the dust in front of an enemy. He then otic services are held by the members of the Confederate Congress.' "The stand of colors has been prepared, and will be delivered to you by my Aid-de-Camp, Col. Davis; and you will accept assurance of the confidence I feel that this flag, entrusted to you as the commander of a regiment of Georgians, will be gallantly borne wh
Runaway--Fifty dollars reward. --Runaway, on the 5th of August, my Negro Woman, named Betty; about 28 years old, five feet four inches high, black, who was hired to Joseph Davis, on Broad street. She has a mark on the face, in consequence of a mustard plaster she had on, which place is darker.--She has children in Cumberland county, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price. She is probably in this city, or has made her way to Mr. Price's. I will give the above reward, if delivered to me here, or if lodged in jail in the county or city. oc 7--1m* Joseph Stern.